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Innovative strategies for change Cheat Sheet by

Change management strategies

Address human side system­ati­cally

Change = people issues
Changes include
Job changes, new managers, skill develo­pment, increased capacity or capabi­lity, introd­uction of new techno­logies
Be pro-active not reactive
Formal process should be adopted early and then implen­ented in a top down approach
Work involved in this strategy
Alalysis, research, planning, disipline.
Change management strategy should be
Realistic, integrated into programe design and decision making,

Commun­icate the message

Ensure others understand
The need for change, the problems being solved, the new direction clearly
Reinforce the message
Regularly and in a positive and inspir­ational way

Address culture explicitly

Be explicit about the behaviours and culture desired for change
Find opport­unities to model and reward
Company culture is an amalgam of shared history, explicit values and beliefs, and common attitudes and behavior
Change may involve creating a culture, combining culture. or reinfo­rcing culture
Companies have a cultural center
Locus of thought, activity, influence or personal ID
Unders­tanding culture helps jumpstart change

Start at the top

Employees will turn to the CEO and the leadership team for strength, support, and direction
Leaders must embrace change first to motivate others.
Model desired behaviours
Executive team will work best if work well together and support each other through the change.

Create ownership

Leaders must overpe­rform and be evange­lists of change
Reqs more than buy in, needs ownership of respon­sib­ility for making change happen in teams
Reinfoce with incentives and rewards

Involve all levels of the organi­sation

Change efforts must include plans for identi­fying leaders throughout the company and pushing respon­sib­ility for design and implem­ent­ation down, so that change cascades through the organi­zation.
Leaders must be trained and aligned with company vision and values at every level

Assess the cultural landscape

Understand the organi­sations culture
Culture is often one of the biggest barriers to change
Cultural diagno­stics can
Assess organi­zat­ional readiness to change
Bring problems to surface
ID conflicts
ID factors which recognise or influence leadership and resistance

Make the formal case

People will question if change is needed, whether the company is headed in the right direction, and whether they want to commit personally to making change happen.
Articulate a formal case for change
Commun­icate it in a vision statement
1. Face reality, make case for change
2. Demo faith in companies future
3. Provide a road map to guide behaviour and decision making, customise for various sections of business

Prepare for the unexpected

No change project goes exactly to plan
Problems might include
People reacting badly
External enviro­nment shifts
Areas of resitance emerge
New techno­logies emerging

Speak to the individual

Change is instit­utional but also personal
People spend lots of time at work
Many people consider collegues a second family
People need to understand what changes are expected, what the plan is, how they will be measured, what success or failure will mean
Must be honest and explicit
People will react to rumors and surrou­ndings
Highly visible rewards uch as promotion, recogn­ition, and bonuses, should be provided as dramatic reinfo­rcement for embracing change
Sanction or removal of people standing in the way of change will reinforce the instit­ution’s commit­ment.


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