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Prelim 1- Cheat Sheet

The Enviro­nment Model Semantics

env :: n || n  
env :: e1 + e2 || n     
    if env :: e1 || n1 and env :: e2 || n2     
    and n is the result of applying
    primitive operation + to n1 and n2  
env :: (e1, e2) || (v1, v2)     
    if env :: e1 || v1 and env :: e2 || v2  
env :: fst e || v1     
    if env :: e || (v1,v2) 
env :: Left e || Left v    
    if env :: e || v  
env :: match e with Left x -> e1 
       | Right y -> e2 || v1     
   if env :: e || Left v and 
    env+{x=v} :: e1 || v1  
env :: let x = e1 in e2 || v2     
   if env :: e1 || v1 and 
   env+{x=v1} :: e2 || v2  
env :: (fun x -> e) || <<fun x -> e, env>>  
env :: e1 e2 || v     
   if env :: e1 || <<fun x -> e, env'>> 
   and env :: e2 || v2 
   and env' + {x=v2} :: e || v      
env :: let rec f x = e1 in e2 || v     
  if env + {f = <<f, fun x -> e1, env>>} 
  :: e2 || v  
env :: e1 e2 || v     
  if env :: e1 || <<f, fun x -> e, env'>>     
  and env :: e2 || v2 
  and env' + {x=v2,f=<<f, fun x -> e, env'>>} 
  :: e || v
Enviro­nment Model Semantics Rule with Lexical Scoping

Technique to Generalize Folding

1. Write a recursive fold function that takes in one argument for each variant of the datatype.
2. That fold function matches against the datatype variants, calling itself recursively on any instance of the datatype that it encounters.
3. When a variant carries data of a type other than the datatype being folded, use the appropriate argument to fold to incorporate that data.
4. When a variant carries no data, use the appropriate argument to fold to produce an accumulator.

let rec fold_left (f : 'a -> 'b ->'a) (acc : 'a) (lst : 'b list): 'a =
  match lst with
    [] -> acc
  | x :: xs -> fold_left f (f acc x) xs

fold_left : 'a -> 'b -> 'a -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a

let rec fold_right (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'b) (l : 'a list) (acc : 'b) : 'b =
  match l with
    [] -> acc
  | x :: xs -> f x (List.fold_right f xs acc)

fold_right: 'a -> 'b -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b ->'b 

Example of Generalized fold: 
 'a exprTree =
| Val of 'a
| Unop of ('a -> 'a) * 'a exprTree
| Binop of ('a -> 'a -> 'a)  'a exprTree  'a exprTree

let rec exprTree_fold (foldVal) (foldUnop) (foldBinop) = function
     | Val x -> foldVal x
     | Unop (f, t) -> foldUnop f (exprTree_fold foldVal foldUnop foldBinop t)        | Binop (f, t1, t2) -> foldBinop f (exprTree_fold foldVal foldUnop foldBinop t1) (exprTree_fold foldVal foldUnop foldBinop t2)
Genera­lized fold and List folding functions

Function Type Inferrence

Infer the type of functions from operations nested within the function. Start off by labeling all of the bindings and parameters with a random type Tn. And, then find out the type for each of them. Use patterns like the branches of an if and else statements are the same type and same goes for match statem­ents.

Points to note are that the failure ("bl­ah") and Exception Not_found have type 'a (just something random), so they can be restricted to whatever the other type is in a match expres­sion. Also, let rec f x= f x in f has type 'a -> 'b

Docume­nting Abstra­ctions

A specif­ication is a contract between an implem­enter of an abstra­ction and a client of an abstra­ction. An implem­ent­ation satisfies a specif­ication if it provides the described behavior.
Locality: abstra­ction can be understood without needing to examine implem­ent­ation
Modifi­abi­lity: abstra­ction can be reimpl­emented without changing implem­ent­ation of other abstra­ctions
Good Specs:
Suffic­iently restri­ctive: rule out implem­ent­ations that wouldn’t be useful to clients
Suffic­iently general: do not rule out implem­ent­ations that would be useful to clients
Suffic­iently clear: easy for clients to understand behavior
Abstra­ction function (AF) captures designer’s intent in choosing a particular repres­ent­ation of a data abstra­ction. Not actually OCaml function but an abstract function. Maps concrete values to abstract values. Think about Set example, where implem­enter sees Set as 'a list [1;2] but user sees it as {1,2}.
Many-t­o-one: many values of concrete type can map to same value of abstract type. [1;2] & [2;1] both map to {1,2}
Partial: some values of concrete type do not map to any value of abstract type
[1;1;2] because no duplicates

opA(AF(c)) = AF(opC­(c)). AF commutes with op!

You might write:
– Abstra­ction Function: comment – AF: comment
– comment

Repres­ent­ation invariant charac­terizes which concrete values are valid and which are invalid.
-Valid concrete values will be mapped by AF to abstract values
-Invalid concrete value will not be mapped by AF to abstract values

Substi­tution Model of Evaluation

e1 + e2 --> e1' + e2
    if e1 --> e1'
v1 + e2 --> v1 + e2'
    if e2 --> e2'
n1 + n2 --> n3
    where n3 is the result of applying primitive operation +
    to n1 and n2
(e1, e2) --> (e1', e2)
    if e1 --> e1'
(v1, e2) --> (v1, e2')
    if e2 --> e2'
fst (v1,v2) --> v1
Left e --> Left e'
    if e --> e'
match e with Left x -> e1 | Right y -> e2 
--> match e' with Left x -> e1 | Right y -> e2
    if e --> e'
match Left v with Left x -> e1 | Right y -> e2
--> e1{v/x} 
match Right v with Left x -> e1 | Right y -> e2
--> e2{v/y} 
let x = e1 in e2 --> let x = e1' in e2
    if e1 --> e1'
let x = v in e2 --> e2{v/x}
e1 e2 --> e1' e2
    if e1 --> e1'
v e2 --> v e2'
    if e2 --> e2'

Capture Avoiding Substitution 

(fun x -> e) v2 --> e{v2/x}
(Left e'){e/x} = Left e'{e/x}
(Right e'){e/x} = Right e'{e/x}
(match e' with Left y -> e1 | Right z -> e2){e/x}
 = match e'{e/x} with Left y -> e1{e/x} | Right z -> e2{e/x}
(match e' with Left x -> e1 | Right z -> e2){e/x}
 = match e'{e/x} with Left x -> e1 | Right z -> e2{e/x}
(match e' with Left y -> e1 | Right x -> e2){e/x}
 = match e'{e/x} with Left y -> e1{e/x} | Right x -> e2
(match e' with Left x -> e1 | Right x -> e2){e/x}
 = match e'{e/x} with Left x -> e1 | Right x -> e2
(let x = e1 in e2){v/x} = let x = e1{v/x} in e2
(let y = e1 in e2){v/x} = let y = e1{v/x} in e2{v/x}
(e1,e2){e/x} = (e1{e/x}, e2{e/x})
(fst e'){e/x} = fst e'{e/x}
Substi­tution Model Evalua­tion- Captur­e-a­voiding substi­tution

Example Module & Functor example

Start off with this functor for Intervals. 
module Make_interval :
  functor (Endpoint : Comparable) ->
      type t = Interval of Endpoint.t * Endpoint.t | Empty
      val create : Endpoint.t -> Endpoint.t -> t
      val is_empty : t -> bool
      val contains : t -> Endpoint.t -> bool
      val intersect : t -> t -> t

Now, the functor does not have an abstract type. Because, the user can see the type in the functor. So, we have to hid that type t impelementation. There's a problem with Make_interval.  The invariant is enforced by the create function, but because Interval.t is not abstract, we can bypass the create function. So you do something like this with sharing constraints: : 

module Make_interval(Endpoint : Comparable) : Interval_intf with type endpoint = int struct
    type endpoint = Endpoint.t
    type t = | Interval of Endpoint.t * Endpoint.t
             | Empty

Modules Signat­ures, Structures and Functors

Basically, signature is the interface that we must follow for a certain module. The Structure of a module is the implem­ent­ation of the given signature of the module. Furthe­rmore, the functors go ahead and parame­terize modules: that is, they will take in a module or multiple modules as inputs and return a new module that is parame­terized with the input module. So, suppose you have a given Set module and you want this module to applicable to all types not only ints. So, you will need the notion of equality in your module, but this notion of equality is different between Ints and Strings, so you can parame­terize by having a functor that has a type sig of EQUAL as its input. With functors remember to do the sharing constr­aints.

Matching Mechanics & Type Declar­ations

A type synonym is a new kind of declar­ation. The type and the name are interc­han­geable in every way.

Matching: Given a pattern p and a value v, decide
– Does pattern match value?
– If so, what variable bindings are introd­uced?
If p is a variable x, the match succeeds and x is bound to v.
If p is _, the match succeeds and no bindings are introduced
If p is a constant c, the match succeeds if v is c. No bindings are introduced
If p is C p1, the match succeeds if v is C v1 (i.e., the same constr­uctor) and p1 matches v1. The bindings are the bindings from the sub-match.
If p is (p1,..., pn) and v is (v1,..., vn), the match succeeds if p1 matches v1, and ..., and pn matches vn. The bindings are the union of all bindings from the sub-ma­tches.
1. If Expres­sions are just pattern matches
2. Lists and options are just datatypes
3. Let expres­sions are also pattern matches.
4. A function argument can also be a pattern.

Type Checking Rules

e1 + e2
If e1 and e2 have type int, then e1 + e2 has type int
Syntax: e1 < e2
Type-checking: if e1 has type int and e2 has type
int then e1<e2 has type bool
Syntax: if e1 then e2 else e3
Type-checking: if e1 has type bool and, for some type t, both e2 and e3 have type t, then if e1 then e2 else e3 has type t
Simplified syntax:
let x = e1 in e2
If e1:t1, and if e2:t2 under the assumption that
x:t1, then let x = e1 in e2 : t2
Syntax: e0 (e1,...,en)
If: e0 has some type (t1  ...  tn) -> t
and e1 has type t1, ..., en has type tn
Then e0 (e1,...,en) has type t
Syntax: {f1=e1;...;fn=en}
If e1:t1ande2:t2 and ... en:tn, and if t is a declared type of the form {f1:t1, ..., fn:tn} , then{f1 = e1; ...; fn = en}:t
Syntax: e.f
If e:t1 and if t1 is a declared type of the form {f:t2, ...} , then e.f: t2
None has type ‘a option
–  much like [] has type ‘a list –  None is a value
Some e :t option ife:t
–  much like e::[] has type t list if e:t –  If e-->v then Some e-->Some v

Note- Datatype VS Records Table
Type Checking Rules part of Semantics

Key Points about Modules

Other key points with modules:
1. Difference between include and open is that include just sort of extends a module/ signature when its called. In general, opening a module adds the contents of that module to the enviro­nment that the compiler looks at to find the definition of various identi­fie­rs.W­hile opening a module affects the enviro­nment used to search for identi­fiers, including a module is a way of actually adding new identi­fiers to a module proper. The difference between include and open is that we've done more than change how identi­fiers are searched for: we've changed what's in the module. Opening modules is usuallly not a good thing in top level as you are getting rid of the advantage of a new namespace and if you want to do it, do it locally.
2. Don't expose the type of module especially in the signature, it is smart to hid from your user as they may abuse your invariant and don't have any idea on the implem­ent­ation. So, you can also change the implem­ent­ation without them knowing.
3. We can also use sharing constr­aints in the context of a functor. The most common use case is where you want to expose that some of the types of the module being generated by the functor are related to the types in the module fed to the functor

Data Types VS Record VS Tuple

Access/ Destruct
Constr­uctor name
Pattern matching with match
Record expression with {...}
Pattern matching with let OR field selection with dot operator .
Tuple expression with (...)
Pattern matching with let OR fst or snd
Records are used to store this AND that. Datatypes represent this OR that. Also, a tuple is just a record with its fields referred to by position, where as with records it is by name.

Algebraic Dataypes of form <Da­tatype: Name Studen­t> of String

Dynamic VS Lexical Scoping

Rule of dynamic scope: The body of a function is evaluated in the current dynamic enviro­nment at the time the function is called, not the old dynamic enviro­nment that existed at the time the function was defined.

Rule of lexical scope: The body of a function is evaluated in the old dynamic enviro­nment that existed at the time the function was defined, not the current enviro­nment when the function is called.

Functions as First Class Citizens

Functions are values
Can use them anywhere we use values
First-­class citizens of language, afforded all the “rights” of any other values
– Functions can take functions as arguments – Functions can return functions as results­ctions can be higher­-order

Map: let rec map f xs = match xs with
[] -> []
| x::xs’ -> (f x)::(map f xs’)
map: ('a->'­b)-­>'a­lis­t->­'blist

Filter, Map, folds are iterators basically. They can iterate through structures just like normal loops can.


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