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Tips to Make Your e-Commerce Site More Efficient Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by [deleted]

Here are some tips to help fix this common problem of e-commerce sites

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

E-commerce websites

E-commerce websites are largely successful in attracting traffic. But most reach a plateau stage where the site ends up struggling to retain customers and improve conversion rates. There is no generic explan­ations that is common to all sites. However, ineffi­ciency is a leading contri­butor for many retail websites. If your site is experi­encing less than ideal conversion numbers, perhaps your site is plagued with ineffi­ciency too. Here are some tips to help fix this common problem:

Gather Customer Feedback

You need to obsess­ively gather customer feedback to find out what’s ailing your website if the conversion rates are stagna­ting. Customers who frequent your website are the best sources to tell you where the site may be going wrong. You can collect customer feedback with online surveys, feedback forms, comments sections and when customers contact you for support. Always improve your efforts not to get the best customer feedback, but to get the most, genuine customer feedback.

Schedule Multiple Payments

They payment portal is sometimes an issue when it comes to improving sales. Your business overall could be lagging if your payment portal is still stuck in the Dark Ages. The payment API you use should be able to handle such things as recurring payments that remarkably improve conven­ience and efficiency at retail websites. If the payments are too slow to process, ask the developer of the portal software what’s wrong with it. If you build it in house, you will have to convene a team for an evalua­tion.

Remove Unnece­ssary Plugins

Plugins can add functions to retail websites that the sites can do perfectly fine without. Plugins can be heavy and slow down sites. Certain features offered by plugins may serve no purpose. So, it’s simply costly and space ineffi­cient to plugins on the site that you don’t need. Therefore, make it a habit to go through the plugin list your website uses each month. You will have to remove plugins that service little to no purpose. This will speed up the site and shape it up to improve the conversion rates.

Speed Up Site Speed

Speeding up overall site speed is a great way to increase effici­ency, boost traffic and drive conver­sions all in one go. Go to a free website speed testing site to see how long it takes your website to load using an average internet speed. The load time should be less than 3 seconds. If it’s not, then it’s time to improve your website without delay. Like removing plugins, you can speed up the site by removing embedded videos and by compre­ssing graphics.

Speed Up the Checkout Process

How speedy is your site’s checkout process? If it’s too slow, your site will be losing money and frustr­ating customers. Make sure the checkout process is simple, quick and extremely easy to use.

Offer Live Chat

One of the best ways to offer customer support is via live chat. It’s more cost efficient that offering phone support 24/7. Also, a single rep and conduct multiple live chat sessions at once, thus elimin­ating the need to hire more workers.

Before it’s too late, try one of the above tips to get your e-commerce website on track towards prospe­rity.