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Neural Network Theory Cheat Sheet by

Formal Systems

Cognition, cognitive theory are formal systems, we use mathem­atics to study them
Abstract concepts can be reasoned about precisely when situated in formal systems
Neural networks are continuous systems

Constr­ucting the continum

Describe the basic properties and declare them to be true by definition
Use simpler objects and operations to explicitly define more complex models
Equiva­lence classes
Partitions a set based on some rules

Dynamic Systems

Recurrent ,learning, and biological neural networks
Motor control is the effector of a dynamic system
The mind is an abstract dynamical system with continuous state variables that are not activation values of units or repres­ent­ations

NNs as Probab­ilistic Models

Used for
stocha­sti­cally searching for global optima
repres­enting and rationally coping with uncert­ainty
measuring inform­ation
Deployed in
neural network models
symbolic modes with non-de­ter­minism and uncert­ainty (e.g. inferring knowledge from experi­ence, using knowledge to infer outputs given inputs)


Activation dynamics. Maximizes well-f­orm­edness (harmony) of the activation patter (depends on the connection weight). Spreading activation dynamics is an optimi­zation algorithm for the repres­ent­ation.
Weight dynamics. Minimizes error. Weight­-ad­jus­tment dynamics is an optimi­zation algorithm for the knownledge in the weights: learning algorithm
Probab­ilistic modelling
Parameters of the statis­tical model change as more data is received. Optimized based of likelihood according to data or Bayesian posterior probab­ility of the data

Fourier analysis

f(x) = \sum_k c_k e^{ikx} employs a basis of imaginary powers of x, {e^{ik­x}}_{k \in \Z}
Also a basis of cos(kx) and sin(kx)
Fourier coeffi­cient states how strongly an oscill­ation of frequency 1/k is present in f
{f(t)}_t describe f in the time / spatial domain
{c_k}_k describe f in the frequency / spatia­l-f­req­uency domain

Support Vector Machines

Use supervised learning to learn a region of activation space for each concept
Classi­fic­ation driven only by training near the region boundary
Wide margin: error function favors a large margin between the training samples and the boundary it posits for separating the categories
Slack variable: minimizes a variable for each training example that "­picks up the slack" between the point and the category region it should be in
Kernel trick: implicitly maps the data into a high dimens­ional space in which classi­fic­ation concep­tually takes places (imple­mented through a kernel function)

Discrete structures of distri­bution patterns

vectors v in R: distri­buted repres­ent­ation
With respect to an approp­riate conceptual basis for V, components of a repres­ent­ation v indicate the strength of a set of basis concepts in v: gradient conceptual repres­ent­ation
Eigen-­basis re-scales components
Analyse the entire distri­bution within V of the repres­ent­ations {v^k} of a set of repres­ented items {x^k}
Clusters of {v^k} constitute a conceptual group and may be hierac­hically structured
Can construct is such that greater distance between v^{k} and v^{t} means greater mental distin­gui­sha­bility of x^{k} and x^\{t}


Weight matrices, error functions, learning as optimi­zation
Activation vectors, well-f­orm­edness = harmony function, processing as optimz­ation
- Parallel, violab­le-­con­straint satisf­action
- Schema­s/p­rot­otypes in Harmony landscapes
Local optima is a determ­inistic problem, global optima require random­ize­d/s­toc­hastic algorithms

Inductive learning

Finding the best hypothesis within a hypothesis space about the word that the learning is trying to understand
Goodness of a hypothesis is determined jointly by how well H fits the data that the learning has received about the world and how simple H is
A hypothesis is a probab­ilistic data-g­ene­rator
Maximum Likelihood Principle
Maximum A Posteriori Principle: Bayesian principle that says pick the hypothesis that has highest a posteriori probab­ility, balancing the likelihood of the data against the a priori probab­ility of H. Best not pick a H, maintain a degree of belief for every H in the H space
Maximum Entropy Principle: Maxent. Pick the H with the max missing inform­ation, among those H that are consistent with the known data
Minimum Descri­ption Length Principle: shorter is better


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