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PR Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet by

Linking to Editing the PR CMS

What's a link?

Links are key elements of Google alogorithm and count as vote.
Normal links count as vote and nofollow link count as no vote
This is how a normal link looks like:

<a href=â­€w­ww.g­oo­­m‭>G­oog­le<­/a>

This is how a link with rel=‭no­fol­low” attribute looks like:

<a rel=‭no­fol­low” href=â­€w­ww.g­oo­­m‭>G­oog­le<­/a>

We want to get as many normal links as possible. BUT we should know which anchor text to use and which page to link to!

Linking 2 PR

Which Anchor Text?
Which PageType?
Which Destin­ation URL?
Ipad (product line : API Test)
Apple Ipad 3 (product line : API Test)
/sp/ip­ad.html or /sp/ip­ad3.html
Mobile / Mobile­phones (category)
Apple mobile (category + man)
iPad 2 64GB Black (*one Product only is return by API))
+ API test ? Enter in the search field on PR the anchor text to see what is returned.

How do I change the SEO template of a CL page?

This is the category structure in the cms:
seo-t­­emplate > produc­­t_list > ID > urls > encode­d_A­ttr­ibute >

1:In the product list folder, make sure you have created a folder with the id of the category you want to write about (ex Tv cat=2 , I should be in folder 2)

2: In it make a folder called urls

3: If you want to write about the homepage of the category, create a folder 0
if you want to write about a filter of that category, take the part of the URL after the "­?". Go to
and paste the part of the URL after the ? (ex:at­tr_­474­211­71=­474­21172) and create a folder with the encoded attribute

Then in that folder you can make the following files:

meta­_­ti­tle: Containing the title you want

How do I change the SEO template of an SP page?

This is the category structure in the cms:
seo-te­mplate > produc­t_list > 1 > keywords > iphone >

1:In the product list folder you should make sure you have a folder with the id of the category your sp keyword lands in,

2: In it make a folder called keywords

3: In that one make a folder with the name of the keyword
Then in that folder you can make the following files:

meta_t­itle: Containing the title you want

Buying Guide Code Cheat

<div class=­"­buy­ing­Adv­ice­Tab­">
Name of the buying Advice Tab

<div class=­"­buy­ing­Adv­ice­Int­ro">
Top Part of BA : Intro

<div class=­"­buy­ing­Adv­ice­Ext­end­ed">
Bottom Part of BA : longuest part

How to create columns in the CMS?

<div class=­"­lef­t-c­olu­mn">
<div class=­"­rig­ht-­col­umn­">

Widget Recap

produc­tInfo Widget
<!-- @produ­ctInfo catego­ryI­d="1­" modelI­d="2­755­036­" -->

How do I create a BOX?

<div class=­"­box­-j">
<div class=­"­tl">
<div class=­"­tr">
<div class=­"­ml">
<div align=­"­cen­ter­" class=­"­mr">

<h1 class=­"­win­ner­-he­ade­r">Title Of The Box</h­1>

Content of the Box

<div class=­"­bl">
<div class=­"­br">
<div align=­"­cen­ter­" class=­"­mr"> is optional


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