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Yr 8 Science Exam Cheat Sheet by

A cheat sheet for 2017 8K Science Exam

Sedi Rocks

Sedime­ntary rocks are formed from particles of sand, shells, pebbles. Gradually, the sediment accumu­lates in layers and over a long period of time hardens into rock. Sedime­ntary rock are fairly soft and may break apart or crumble easily. Contains fossils

Igni Rocks

Igneous rocks are formed when magma cools and hardens. Sometimes the magma cools inside the earth, and other times it erupts onto the surface from volcanoes. When lava cools very quickly, no crystals form and the rock looks shiny and glasslike. Sometimes gas bubbles are trapped in the rock during the cooling process, leaving tiny holes and spaces in the rock.

Types of Energy

Grav Potent


Enzymes are biological catalysts - catalysts are substances that increase the rate of chemical reactions without being used up.


Photos­ynt­hesis is the process by which plants, some bacteria and some protistans use the energy from sunlight to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water.
Cellular respir­ation is a set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert bioche­mical energy from nutrients into adenosine tripho­sphate (ATP), and then release waste products.

Meta Rocks

Metamo­rphic rocks are formed under the surface of the earth due to intense heat and pressure. The rocks that result from these processes have layers and may have shiny crystals, formed by minerals growing slowly over time, on their surface.

Circul­atory System

transport nutrients (such as amino acids and electr­oly­tes), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in the body to provide nouris­hment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize temper­ature and pH, and maintain homeos­tasis

Respir­atory System

Once in the lungs, oxygen is moved into the bloods­tream. Blood carries the oxygen through the body to where it is needed. blood cells collect carbon dioxide from the body’s cells and transports it back to the lungs.e­xc­hange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place in the alveoli, small structures within the lungs. The carbon dioxide, a waste gas, is exhaled and the cycle begins again with the next breath.The diaphragm is a dome-s­haped muscle below the lungs that controls breathing. The diaphragm flattens out and pulls forward, drawing air into the lungs for inhala­tion. During exhalation the diaphragm expands to force air out of the lungs.


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