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Data Structes Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Data structures with sample codes and explanations

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Allows data of the same type to be kept under a single variable name.The number of elements is specified when defining.
Identi­fic­ation Examples:
Example 1:
int array1­[12];

Example 2:
char array2­[20];

Assign elements to arrays examples:
Example 1:
int array1[5] = {1,2,3­,4,5};

Example 2:
int array2[5] = {6,7,8}; //last two elements is 0

Example 3:
int array3[5], i;

for (i = 0; i<5; i++){

array3[i] = i;

printf­("%d­\n", array3­[i]);}

Multid­ime­nsional arrays examples:
Example 1:
int array[­3][2] = {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}};

int i,j;

for(i = 0;i<3; i++){

for(j=0; j<2; j++){

printf­("%d­\t", array[­i][­j]);}


Example 2:
int array[­3][­2][2] = {1,2,3­,4,­5,6­,7,­8,9­,10­,11­,12};

int i,j,k;

for(i = 0; i<3; i++){

for(j = 0; j<2; j++){

for(k = 0; k<2; k++){

printf­("%d­\t", array[­i][­j][k]);




It is a data structure in which the data is kept in a linear way and addition and subtra­ction are made from the top point. Last in first out rule is valid.
Stack With Array:
int Stack[10];

int top = -1;

void Push(int a){

if(top == 9){

printf­("No room in the stack.­\n");}


Stack[­++top] = a;

printf­("%d added into the stack.­\n", a);}}

int pop(){

if (top<0){

printf­("No data in the stack.­\n");

return -1;}


int a = Stack[­top--];

printf­("%d removed from the stack.­\n", a);

return a;

int peek(){

if (top<0){

printf­("No data in the stack.­\n");

return -1;}


printf­("%d is at the top of the stack.­\n", Stack[­top]);

return Stack[­top];}}

Stack With Linked List:
struct Node {

int data;

struct Node* next;};

struct Node* top = NULL;

void Push(int a) {

struct Node* t = (struct Node*) malloc­(si­zeo­f(s­truct Node));

t->data = a;

if(top == NULL){

top = t;

top->next = NULL;}

else {

t->next = top;

top = t;}

printf­("%d added into the stack.­\n", a);}

int Pop() {

if(top == NULL) {

printf­("No data in the stack.­\n");

return -1;}

else {

struct Node* t = top;

int a = t->­data;

top = top->next;

printf­("%d removed from the stack. \n", a);


return a;}}

int Peek() {

if(top == NULL) {

printf­("No data in the stack.­\n");

return -1;}

else {

printf­("%d is at the top of the stack.­\n", top->d­ata);

return top->d­ata;}}

Linked List

They are structures in which objects of the same type are stored in a linear order and interc­onn­ected. The objects in the linked list are called nodes, and nodes are connected to each other by pointers that point to the next node. There is also a head pointer that points to the beginning of the list.Nodes consist of two parts.
Singly linked list: Navigation in the list is forward only.
Doubly linked list: Navigation in the list is forward and back.
Circular linked list: The next pointer of the last node points to the first node of the list.
Create Node:
struct Node {

int data;

struct Node* next;


struct Node* head = NULL;

void Insert(int a){

struct Node t = (struct Node) malloc­(si­zeo­f(s­truct Node));

t->data = a;

t->next = head;

head= t;


void Delete(){


struct Node *t = head;

head = head->­next;



void traver­se(){

struct Node*t = head;


printf­("%d ", t->­data);

t = t->­next;


int i, j;

for(i = 1; i<=10; i++){


for(j = 1; j<=4; j++){




It ensures that the data is kept in linear order. They are referred to by the first in first out (FIFO) rule.
Queue With Array:
void Enqueu­e(int a){

if(count == 6){

printf­("No place in the queue.­\n");


queue[­rear] = a;


if(rear == 6) rear = 0;


printf­("%d added in the queue.­\n", a);

void Dequeue(){

if(count == 0){

printf­("No data in the queue.­\n");}


int a = queue[­front];


if(front == 6) front = 0;


printf­("%d removed from the queue.­\n", a);}}

Queue With Linked List:
struct Node {

int data;

struct Node* next;};

struct Node* front = NULL;

struct Node* rear = NULL;

void Enqueu­e(int a){

struct Node* t = (struct Node*) malloc­(si­zeo­f(s­truct Node));

t->data = a;

t->next = NULL;

if(front == NULL && rear == NULL){

front = rear = t;}


rear->next = t;


printf­("%d added in the queue.­\n", a); }

void Dequeue(){

if(front == NULL){

printf­("No data in the queue.­\n");}


struct Node* t= front;

if(front == rear){

front = rear = NULL;}


front = front-­>next;}

printf­("%d removed from the queue.­\n", t->­dat­a);}}