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Managing Breathlessness by

Breathing Control

Keep arms supported or rest on your lap. Shoulders and body should be loose. One hand on your chest, the other on stomach
Rise the tummy - Inhalation
Slowly breathe in through your nose, with your mouth closed. If you’re relaxed, the air will reach low in your lungs. Control your breath so your stomach should move slightly out against your hand.
Relax - Exhalation
Breathe out through your nose. Your stomach will fall gently. Imagine all the tension in your body leaving as you let the air out.
Wait for the next breath to come
Repeat a rectangle
Follow the sides of the rectangle with your eyes as you use relaxed tummy breathing. Gradually slow the speed at which your eyes move around the edge of the rectangle to slow your breathin

Further Breathing Techniques

Breathe in before you undertake a strenuous task. Then breathe out while you’re making the effort. For example, when standing up, breathe in before you step or stand up, and then blow out as you stand up. Try pursing your lips as you blow out.
Paced breathing
Pace your steps to your breathing. For example, breathe in for one step and then take either one or two steps as you breathe out. Try different combin­ations to find what works best for you

Positi­onnig against a wall

Have your feet slightly apart, about one foot or 30cms away from the wall
Upper Limbs
Rest your hands or thumbs in your waistband or belt loops, or across the shoulder strap of your handbag.

Restri­ctive specif­ically

Lungs do not fullly expand as lungs themselves are stiff or because there is a problem with the chest wall or the breathing muscles
Sit upright in a firm chair
If your chair doesn’t have arms, rest your arms on your thighs. Let your wrists and hands go limp. restri­ctive breath­les­sness positions
High side lying: Lie on your side with pillows under your head and shoulders. Make sure your top pillow supports your neck. Slightly bend your knees, hips and top leg.

Positions - Restri­ctive Specif­ically

Airflow is slower because the disease makes the airways narrower or the lungs less elastic.
Because breathing out is slower, the person may need to breathe in again before they have emptied their lungs. This is called hyperi­nfl­ation or gas-tr­apping and makes breathing uncomf­ortab
Leaning Forward
Stand leaning forward lean from the hips, with your forearms resting on something at the right height, such as a chair or kitchen work surface.
Sit leaning forward lean resting your elbows on your knees
Sit leaning forward at a table (figure 3): rest your head and arms on pillows on a table when you’re really short of breath
Lie on your side with pillows under your head
Make sure the top pillow supports your neck. Slightly bend the knee of the leg you are lying on, with your top leg straight. Having your legs apart may also help. .
This position can help when you’re breathless when you’re resting, such as when your symptoms flare up


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