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Chemistry(0620) IGSCE Cheat Sheet by

Chemical reactions for IGCSE Useful for the theory 42 paper


Metal Purifi­cation
Non-metal at anode
Thin pure Metal at cathode
metal at cathode
Thick impure metal at anode
If halogen present -> anode
Electr­olyte soluble salt of metal
Cathode -> least reactive metal
OH- at anode -> 4OH- --> 2H2O + O2 + 4e-


Iron Extraction
raw materials: coke(C), Hot air, Limestone(CaCo3)
1. C + O2 --> CO2
2. CaCO3 --> Cao + Co2
3. CO2 + C --> 2CO
4. Fe2O3 + 3CO --> 2Fe + 3CO2 (700 celcius)
5. CaO + SiO2 --> CaSiO3(slag)

Acid, Bases and salts

Neutra­liz­ation Reaction
Acid + Base --> Salts + Water
H+(aq) + OH-(aq) --> H2O(lq)
- All Nitrates are soluble
- all sodium, potassium, ammonium salts are soluble
- all chlorides are soluble except lead and silver
- all sulfates are soluble except Barium, calcium ,lead
- all carbonates and hydroxides are insoluble
acid + metal --> salt + hydrogen (MAZIT metal)
acid + carbonate--> Salt + water + carbon Dioxide
Titration: acid + alkali --> salt + water (reactive metals)
acid + insoluble base --> salt + water(unreactive metals)
Precipitation(insoluble): Soluble salt + Soluble salt --> insoluble salt + soluble salt
- example: Barium Chloride + SOdium Sulfate --> sodium chloride + barium sulfate

Organic Chemistry

All Organic Compounds
Combustion: organic compund + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water
Substitution Reaction: Alkane + Chlorine --> Chloroalkane + Hydrogen Chloride
                                 -example :CH4 + Cl2 --> CH3Cl + HCl
Cracking: long alkane --> shorter alkane + alkene
                                 -example: C12H26 --> C10H22 + C2H4
Thermal Cracking: Catalyst- Broken Unglazed Pottery
Catalytic cracking: 550 degree cel and chromium oxide catalyst
Hydrogenation: alkene + hydrogen --> alkane (200deg, nickel)
Hydration: alkene + steam --> alcohol (300deg, 6000kPa, Phospheric(V) acid)
halogenation(alkene Test): alkene + bromine --> diobromoalkene (brown to colourless)
Oxidation: ethanol + oxygen --> ethanoic acid + water (Pottasium Manganate (VII), purple-colorless)
Fermentation: glucose --> ethanol + carbon dioxide(yeast)
Carboxylic Acid
ehtanoic acid + sodium hydroxide --> sodium ethenoate + water
ethanoic acid + mangnesium --> magnesium ethanoate + hydrogen
2CH3COOH + Mg --> (CH3COOH)2Mg + H2O
ethanoic acid + sodium carbonate --> sodium ethanoate + carbon dioxide + water
2CH3COOH + Na2CO3 --> 2CH3COONa + CO2 + H2O

Chemical Reactions

Haber Process
Contact Process
N2 + 3H2 <--> 2NH3
2SO2 + O2 <--> 2SO3
- 20000 kPa
- 200 kPa
- 450 celcius
- 450 celcius
- Iron catalyst
- Vanadi­um(­V)oxide

Chemistry Of the envior­nment

Test For Water
- anhydrous copper­(II­)su­lfate turns form white to blue
- Cobalt(II) Chloride Paper turns from blue to pink
- impure water has higher boiling point
Catalytic Converter
2NO + 2CO --> N2 + CO2


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