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Sublime Text Mac Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Minimal and personal

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Go to File
⌘ + Control + P
Go to Project
Go to Methods
Control + G
Go to Line
Toggle Side Bar
⌘ + Shift + P
Command Prompt
⌘ + Shift + N
New Window


Select Line (repea­table)
Select Word (repea­table)
Control + Shift + M
Select Content In Brackets
⌘ + Shift + Enter
Insert Line Before
⌘ + Enter
Insert Line After
Control + Shift + K
Delete Line
Delete Line from Cursor to End of Line
⌘K + Delete
Delete Line from Cursor to Start of Line
⌘ + Shift + D
Duplicate Line(s)
Join Lines
Upper Case
Lower Case
⌘ + Option + /
Block Comment
⌘ + Shift + V
Paste and Indent
Control + Space
Auto Complete (Repeat for next selection)
Control + M
Jump to Matching Bracket
Undo Movement (Soft Undo)
⌘ + Shift + U
Redo Movement (Soft Redo)

Find / Replace

⌘ + Option + F
Option + ⌘ + G
Find Next Occurrence of Current Word
Control + ⌘ + G
Find All Occurr­ences of Current Word
⌘ + Shift + F
Find in Files