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nervous tissue Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

anatomy and physiology

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

function of nervous system

detects physical change that can affect the body
works with endocrine system to respond to change
excitable charac­ter­istics of nervous tissue aids these functions
generation of nerve impulses - action potentials

cells of nervous system

form processing networks "­wir­ing­" within brain and spinal cord, functional unit of the nervous system excitable cells that conduct nerve impulses. bring all regions of the body under the CNS control
(protect, nutrients, insula­ting) smaller and more than neurons. the "­glu­e" that maintains neuronal networks. ability to divide.

regions of neurons

dendrites (receiving end)
conduct nerve signals toward the cell body
cell body (aka soma)
contains organelles (lysosome, mitoch­ondria, nissl bodies) respond to stimuli
conducts nerve impulses away from cell body toward other neuron or effector cell.
axon hillock (axon)
axon joins cell body. determines if action potential happens (-55v)
synaptic knob/b­utton (axon)
carry info of stimulus as electrical impulse
“railway” allowing rapid transport of small organelles to/from far ends of neuron. Motor molecules shuttle vesicles with NT between soma and terminal buttons. process= axonal transport

receiving and conducting nerve signals

input zone
dendrites, cell body
summation zone
axon hillock
conduction zone
output zone
axon terminal, knobs

neuronal regene­ration

in CNS
little to no regene­ration possible
in PNS
repair possible if cell body not damaged and if shwann cells still capable of producing myelin

types of channels

leak channels
randomly open and close, there are more K+ leak channels than Na+. found in dendrites and cell bodies
ligand (gated)
open and close in response to binding with a ligand (specific chemical). found in dendrites and cell bodies.
voltage (gated)
opens in response to changes in membrane potential (voltage) charge in mVolts. found in initial segment of axon, a long axon and axon terminals

Repola­riz­ation channels 2 states

movement of K+ is respon­sible for repola­riz­ation
voltag­e-gated potassium channels have 2 states
resting state
channels closed; no K+ movement
activated state
channels open; K+ flows doen concen­tration gradients

local potential

excitation of a neuron
when a stimulus triggers opening of NA+ ligand­-gated channels. Excess positive ions outside the plasma membrane decreases, the membrane potential becomes more positive (moves toward zero) depola­riz­ation
inhibition of a neuron
when a stimulus triggers opening of K+ ligand­-gated channels as K+ diffuses out of cell, excess of positive ions outside plasma membrane increases membrane potential hyperp­ola­riz­ation

propag­ation of AP conduction speed

axons with larger diameter have faster conduction speeds
myelinated axons get signal to axon terminal faster
saltatory conduction
myelin sheath increases efficiency and speed of signal conduc­tion; AP only depolarize nodes of Ranvier and "jump over" internodes
continuous conduction
every section of unmyel­inated membrane from trigger zone to axon terminal must propagate AP; slow conduction speed

local anesthetic drugs

cause temporary numbness to a specific region of the body
block voltage gated Na+ channels of neurons in treated area; prohibits depola­riz­ation
causes APs relaying pain to not be transm­itted to CNS
cause temporary paralysis

neurot­ran­smi­tters (NT) classi­fic­ations

function (post synaptic receptor)
2 main classi­fic­ations: excitatory or EPSPs and inhibitory IPSPs; or whether receptor directly opens a channel, ionotropic or indire­ctly, metabo­tropic.
structure (mecha­nisms, NTs cause a change)
2 main classes: small and large- molecules transm­itters; because the functions of specific NTs vary by location thayre usually classified by chemical structure.

3 fundam­ental steps

1. sensory function detects internal and external stimuli
2. interp­ret­ation is made (analysis)
3. motor response occurs (reaction)

type of effector regulated

somatic nervous system (SNS)
info to the somatic effectors, skeletal muscles
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
info to autonomic or visceral effectors, smooth muscle, glands, adipose tissue, other involu­ntary tissue.
enteric nervous system (ENS)
info to digestive system effectors

efferent pathways of ANS

sympat­hetic division
pathways exiting the middle of the spinal cord, trigger fight or flight response
parasy­mpa­thetic division
pathways exiting brain or lower portions of the spinal cord, triggers rest and repair response.

nervous system division

functional classi­fic­ation

Sensory or afferent neurons
conveys impulse into CNS through cranial or spinal nerves
Motor or efferent neurons
convey impulses away from CNS to effectors
Intern­eur­ons­/As­soc­iation neurons
located between sensory and motor neurons and process sensory info. elicit motor response

white vs gray matter

white matter
gray matter
composed of cell bodies and unmyel­inated fibres
CNS: myelinated tracts
CNS: referred to as nuclei (not nucleus)
PNS: myelinated nerves
PNS: referred to as ganglia

changes resting potential (RMP)

Na+ channels open. Allows positively charged Na+ to flow into cell Membrane potential becomes more positive
K+ channels open. Allows positively charged K+ to flow out of cell. Cell becomes more negative, returning to RMP
– cell becomes more negative than its normal RMP due to loss of K+

3 general phases AP

depola­riz­ation phase
membrane potential rises toward zero, then becomes positive briefly
repola­riz­ation phase
membrane potential returns to a negative value
hyperp­ola­riz­ation phase
membrane potential tempor­arily becomes more negative than resting membrane potential

mechanisms that produce AP

1. Stimulus applied to neuron, triggers ligand­-gated Na+ channels to open; Na+ diffuses rapidly into cell = local depola­riz­ation
2. If magnitude of local depola­riz­ation surpasses a limit threshold potential (-55v) voltag­e-gated Na+ channels activated
3. More Na+ enters cell = further depola­riz­ation
4. Action potential is an ALL-OR­-NONE response
5. Voltag­e-gated Na+ channels stay open for ~1 ms
6. More Na+ rushes into cell, membrane rapidly moves toward 0mV
7. continues in a positive direction to peak around +30v; an excess of positive ions inside the membrane
8. after action potential peaks, membrane potential begins to move back toward the resting membrane potential.
9. Na+ stop flowing into axon, K+ begins exiting axon as repola­riz­ation begins
10. as neuron's plasma membrane returns to RMP, there is a brief period of hyperp­ola­riz­ation; membrane potential more negative than RMP before K+ channels return to resting state
11. Na+ channels return to resting state
12. RMP is restored by Na+- K+ pumps


where all input from several postsy­naptic potentials are added together ( excitatory postsy­naptic potential and inhibitory postsy­naptic potential) to affect membrane potential at trigger zone
2 types
temporal summation
NT releases repeatedly from axon terminal of a single presyn­aptic neuron
spatial summation
involves simult­aneous release of NT's from axon terminals of many presyn­aptic neuron.

synaptic transm­ission sequence of events

1 AP reaches synaptic knob, causes Calcium Voltage gated channels to ope Ca 2+ diffuses into knob
2 increase Ca2+ triggers release of NT by exocytosis
3 neurot­ran­smi­tters diffuse across synaptic cleft and bind to receptors, causing ion channels to open
4 opening of ion channels produces a local potential possibly an action potential is threshold is reached
5 the NT's action is quickly terminated

large molecule NTs

act as neurom­odu­lator: released with other NTs and modifies their effects
Endorp­hins, substance P

peripheral nervous system

nervous tissue in outer regions of the body
cranial nerves- originate in brain commun­icate with peripheral nerve
spinal nerves - originate in spinal cord

central nervous system

structural and functional centre
brain and spinal cord
brings in incoming sensory info then evaluates info, creates outgoing response

pathways divisions

afferent division
carry toward, all incomoing sensory and afferent pathways.
carry away, all outgoing motor or efferent pathways

afferent vs efferent


astrocyte (CNS)
(tight junctions =blood­-brain barrier) Connect neurons and capill­aries of the brain. transfers nutrients
microglia (CNS)
(macro­phages) In inflamed brain tissue, they enlarge, move and carry on phagoc­ytosis
Ependymal cells (CNS)
Produce or aid in circul­ation of fluid (help make CSF)
oligo dendro­cytes (CNS)
Hold nerve fibers together and produce myelin sheath (wraps itself around neuron)
shwann cells (PNS)
Hold nerve fibers together and produce myelin sheath (wraps itself around neuron)

nerves and tracts

NERVES layers of nerves
bundles of peripheral neurons held together by layers of C.T
surrounds complete nerve (super­ficial)
surrounds bundles of nerve fibres (fasci­cles)
surrounds each neuron (deep)
in CNS
bundles of neurons are called tracts or fasciculi not nerves


(-) inside cells k+, (+) outside cells Na+

2 types of electrical signals

local potentials
short distance, shift away from RMP in a specific region of the plasma membrane. (strength of potential decreases with distance)
action potentials
long distance (axon length), only travel from axon hillock to axon terminal only generated in trigger zone (axon hillock, initial segment of axon)

depola­riz­ation channels 3 states AP

Na+ movement is respon­sible for depola­riz­ation
voltage gated Na+ channels have an activation gate and inacti­vation gate with 3 states
resting state
inacti­vation gate open and activation gate closed; no Na+ movement
activated state
activation and inacti­vation gates open when an action potential is initiated; due to voltage change
inacti­vation state
inacti­vation gate closed and activation gate open; no Na+ movement; once action potential is over channel returns to resting state

refractory period

period after AP when a neurons cannot be stimulated to generate another AP

propag­ation of AP sequence

1 the plasma membrane depola­rizes to threshold at trigger zone due to local potential
2 as Na+ channels activate, an AP is triggered and spreads down the axon
3 the next section of plasma membrane depola­rizes to threshold and fires an AP as the previous section of plasma membrane repola­rizes
4 the current continues to move down the axon, and the process repeats

neuronal synapses

where signals are transm­itted one neuron (sender presyn­aptic) to another neuron­/muscle (receiver- postsy­naptic)
two kinds
1 electrical synapses
cells joined end to end (gap juncti­ons); cardiac muscles cells, smooth muscle cells, parts of brain
2 chemical synapses
presyn­aptic cells release chemical transm­itters across a tiny gap to postsy­naptic cell, possibly including an AP there
synaptic knob
tiny bulge at end of a terminal branch of presyn­aptic neuron's axon that contains vesicles housing NTs
synaptic cleft
space between a synaptic knob and the plasma membrane of a postsy­naptic neuron
PLasma membrane of presyn­aptic neuron has protein molecules that work as receptors fpr neurot­ran­smi­tters (NTs)
Ionotropic receptors
direct; ion channels
Metabo­tropic receptors
indirect; proteins that bind NT and signals ion flow elsewhere.

small molecule NTs

Excitatory and Inhibitory roles; deacti­vated by acetyl­cho­lin­est­erase
Monoamines and catech­ola­mines ; ex dopamine, epinep­hrine, norepi­nep­hrine
amino acids
Common neurot­ran­smi­tters in CNS; ex Glutamate, Glycine, Aspartate, Gabba aminob­utyric acid
other small molecule transm­itters
Nitric Oxide, Carbon monoxide