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PR Cheat Sheet2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Linking 2 PR

Which Anchor Text?
Which PageType?
Which Destin­ation URL?
Ipad (product line : API Test)
Apple Ipad 3 (product line : API Test)
/sp/ip­ad.html or /sp/ip­ad3.html
Mobile / Mobile­phones (category)
Apple mobile (category + man)
iPad 2 64GB Black (*one Product only is return by API))
+ API test ? Enter in the search field on PR the anchor text to see what is returned.

Meta in CMS

@meta.t­it­le=­"­About PriceR­unn­er.c­o.u­k"
@meta.d­es­cri­pti­on=­"­About PriceR­unn­er"
@meta.k­ey­wor­ds=­"­About, PriceR­unn­er"