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Topic 3 biology Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

topic 3 biology (for me)

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Subheading 1


Definition of stem cell

An unspec­ialised cell which is differ­ent­iated and can give rise to specia­lised cells as well as divide to produce more stem cells

Definition of totipotent stem cell

A cell that has the ability to differ­entiate into all cell types

Definition of polygenic

A charac­ter­istic showing continuous variation caused by multiple genes at different loci

Difference between tissue and organ

Tissue is made of one type of cell whereas an organ is made of different tissues

How a tissue differs in structure from a system

• tissue contains one type of cell
• a system contains (many) {different tissues / organs }

Difference between t. and p. stem cells

1. totipotent cells can { give rise to / differ­entiate to become } {any cell / extra embryonic tissues / eq }
2. plurip­otent cannot { give rise to / differ­entiate to become } { all cells in the body / extra embryonic tissues / eq }
3. idea that only totipotent cells give rise to other totipotent cells
4. idea that totipotent cells can give rise to an entire human being, plurip­otent cells cannot

Cell specia­lis­ation / differ­ent­iation

1. stimulus / chemical / hormone
2. genes that are (active / switched on / expressed) are transc­ribed to produce mRNA for the active genes
3. mRNA is translated to produce protein
5. this protein (perma­nently) modifies cell OR idea that this protein determines { cell structure / function }

Becoming specia­lised beta cells

1. stimulus e.g. chemical
2. some genes are { active / switched on / expressed }
3. transc­ription / mRNA produced at active genes
4. mRNA is {trans­lated / used} to produce
5. this protein modifies cell OR idea that this protein

Describe how cells become specia­lised

1. stimulus / chemical / hormone
2. some genes are { active / switched on / expressed } ;
3. transc­ription / mRNA produced } at active genes ;
4. mRNA is { translated / used } to produce { protein / polype­ptide } ;
5. this protein (perma­nently) modifies cell OR idea that this protein determines { cell structure / function }

How cells become specia­lised

• chemical signal cause some genes to be activa­ted­/sw­itched on
• only activated genes are transc­rib­ed/­produce mRNA
• (mRNA leads to) synthesis of specific proteins which causes cell modifi­cation

Epigenetic mod. in daughter cells

• genes { activated / deacti­vated } (in stem cells)
• (because of) { methyl­ation of DNA / histone binding }
• (there­fore) the same genes will be activated in the daughter cells

Subheading 2


rER in transport of proteins within pancreas cell

1. idea that ribosomes synthesise the { polype­ptide / protein / eq }
2. proteins { move into / transp­orted through / eq } (the rER)
3. protein is folded / forms {3-D shape / secondary structure / tertiary structure }
4. idea that vesicles (conta­ining the protein) are formed by rER

How insulin is MPS by cell

1. in the rER insulin is folded e.g. forms {3-D shape, secondary / tertiary structure
2. insulin being packaged into (trans­port) vesicles by the rER ;
3. vesicles { move to / fuse with / eq } the Golgi apparatus / vesicles (fuse to) form the Golgi apparatus ;
4. insulin being changed in Golgi apparatus ;
5. idea of insulin being transf­erred in (secre­tory) vesicles from the Golgi apparatus to the cell (surface) membrane ;
6. vesicles (conta­ining insulin) fuse with cell (surface) membrane / exocytosis ;
Note: MPS (abbre­viation since I couldn't fit it in the title): modified, packaged and secreted

Journey of protein in cell

1. proteins are produced on the ribosomes
2. proteins which are produced on the ribosomes on the surface of rER are foded and processed in rER
3. proteins are then modified in the golgi appara­tus­/body
4. golgi apparatus packages proteins into vesicles around the cell
5. proteins leave the cell by exocytosis once vesicles fuse with the cell membrane

Subheading 3


Definition of a locus

The location of a gene on a chromsome

Definition of a sex-linked disorder

A disorder caused by a { mutated / faulty } gene located on the {X / Y } chromsome

Role of cell cycle

• growth of organism
• asexual reprod­uction
• repair of tissues
• idea of control of cell { growth / division / mitosis }

Events of fertil­isation after acrosome reaction

1. Fusion of sperm cell (membrane) with egg cell membrane
2. Cortical granules release contents (into zona pellucida)
3. Contents of cortical granules react with the zona pellucida / zona pellucida {thickens / hardens }
4. Fusion of { sperm and egg / haploid } nuclei

Role of meiosis in production of gametes

1. idea of producing haploid { nuclei / cells }
2. genetic variation through { crossing over / indepe­ndent assortment } / eq
3. Random / indepe­ndent assortment gives rise to { new / different / eq } combin­ations of (paternal and maternal) chromo­somes
4. crossing over involves swapping of { sections / eq } of chromatids
5. new combin­ations of alleles produced

Mitosis and meiosis comparison

• both mitosis and meiosis increase the number of cells
• mitosis produces diploid cells
• meiosis produces haploid cells
• mitosis produces geneti­cally identical cells
• meiosis produces cells that are geneti­cally different to each other
• mitosis results in 8 sperma­tocytes from each stem cell
• meiosis results in 4 sperm cells from sperma­tocyte
• mitosis results in 2 geneti­cally identical daughter cells
• meiosis results in 4 geneti­cally varied daughter cells

How meiosis causes GV in gametes

1. indepe­ndent assortment { of maternal and paternal chromo­somes / eq }
2. crossing over - swapping over { DNA / sections of chromatid } / eq
3. produces recomb­inants / new combin­ations of alleles / eq

Interphase (cell cycle)

1. G1 - cell grows bigger and replicates its organe­lles. A high amount of protein synthesis is taking place in order to build new organe­lles.
2. S - The cell replicates its DNA
3. G2 - The cell keeps growing until all of the organelles have duplic­ated.

Mitosis stages

• Interphase – DNA rep / normal cell functions
• Prophase – nuclear membrane breaks down / chromo­somes condense become visible
• Metaphase – meet in middle / equator
• Anaphase – chromatids pulled to opposite poles
• Telophase – nuclear membrane reformed – chromo­somes lengthen

CO and IA

• crossing over is the exchange of sections of DNA between non-sister chromatids
• indepe­ndent assortment is a random process where either chromosome from any gamete could be anywhere

Subheading 4


Controls for CP 5

• same variet­y/a­ge/­length of the garlic root tip
• same stain (toluidine blue stain)
• temper­ature
• humidity
• mineral ion concen­tration

Stages of mitosis pract.

1. carefully remove the root tip from an onion that has been grown in water
2. place the root tip in hydroc­hloric acid which will soften the tissue
3. leave the root tip in the hydroc­hloric acid for 5 minutes then take it out and place it in distilled water
4. add a few drops of toluidine blue stain
5. add a cover slip on top and macerate the root tip
6. view under a microscope from the lowest magnif­ication first then the highest magnif­ication
7. calculate the mitotic index (insert equation here)

How to prepare a RTS so chromo­somes can be seen

1. removal of 5-10mm of root tips
2. use of hydroc­hloric acid to separate cells / soften tissue
3. add stain, e.g. toluidine (blue), orcein ;
4. heating slide to intensify the colour / stain ;
5. place the root tip on microscope slide, covering and squashing (to separate the cells)

Mitosis practical (another ans.)

1. samples from different distances from the tip of the root taken
2. measure distance from tip using an eyepiece graticule
3. details of root tip squash procedure (e.g. correct use of hydroc­hloric acid, maceration procedure, squashing to produce single layer of cells)
4. use of an approp­riate named stain (e.g. toluidine stain, ethanoic orcein stain)
5. squash { under a coverslip / on a microscope slide }
6. details of how to assess percentage of cells undergoing mitosis (e.g. count total number of cells and number of mitotic cells)
Note: Obviously you need to develop your answer. These are just points...

Mitotic index