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ap bio unit 3 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

cellular resipiration

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Catabolic pathways yield energy

Catabolic pathways and production of ATP That energy can be used by certain catabolic pathways to create ATP, the chemical that drives all cellular operat­ions. Complex molecules store molecular energy in their bonds, which is released in catabolic processes and captured so that it may be utilized to make ATP. Redox reactions: Oxidation and Reduction The principle of redox A critical fact concerning redox reactions that has not previously been mentioned is that for a redox reaction to be balanced, the total number of electrons lost must equal the total number of electrons gained. Release of energy from organic molecules that is then used for ATP production occurs through the processes of oxidation, reduction, and addition of electrons to other substa­nces. Oxidation of organic fuel molecules during cellular respir­ation Oxygen is reduced to H2O and the fuel is oxidized to CO2. When glucose is oxidized, electrons are transf­erred to a lower energy state, releasing energy that may be used to synthesize ATP. Electrons lose potential energy along the path and energy is released. Stepwise energy harvest via NAD and the electron transport chain Energy from a fuel cannot be properly utilized for productive labor if it is discharged all at once. For instance, a car cannot travel very far if its gas tank bursts. Each step in the breakdown of glucose, other organic compounds, and cellular respir­ation is catalyzed by an enzyme. Electrons are taken from the glucose at crucial stages. Coenzyme NAD+ often receives the initial transfer of electrons from organic molecules. As a result of its ease in switching between the oxidized (NAD+) and reduced (NADH) states, NAD+ is a good candidate for use as an electron carrier. NAD+ serves as a respir­ati­on-­related oxidizing agent as an electron acceptor. The stages of cellular respir­ation Glycolysis Oxidation Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain Glycolysis harvests chemical energy by oxidizing glucose to pyruvate 1. In the early phases, two ATP molecules are hydrolyzed to supply energy, whereas four ATP molecules are created in the latter processes.

Cellular respir­ation

After pyrite is oxidized, the citric acid cycle completes the energy­-yi­elding oxidation of organic molecules It enters the mitoch­ond­rion, where the oxidation of glucose is finished, when there is oxygen present. Before the citric acid cycle can start, the pyruvate needs to be transf­ormed to acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA), which connects glycolysis to the cycle. During oxidative phos phosph­ory­lation, chemio­smosis couples electron transport to ATP synthesis In chemio­smosis, the energy stored in the gradient is used to make ATP. The process as a whole produces between 26 to 28 ATP. The pathway of electron transport NADH and FADH2 are freed from electrons. Hydrogen ions are moved across the membrane. When hydrogen ions pass through ATP synthase, ADP is converted to ATP. When oxygen absorbs electrons and H+ ions, water is created. The energy­-co­upling mechanism By defini­tion, the term "­energy coupli­ng" refers to the idea of combining two biological reactions, in which the energy produced by one event powers the second. This synchr­oni­zation or coupling of two separate biological processes or systems occurs. Proton­-motive force The electr­och­emical potential is the force that encourages protons to travel across membranes in a downward direction. An accounting of atp production by cellular respir­ation. Most energy flows from glucose to NADH to the electron transport chain to proton­-motive force to ATP.

c cycle and phtoto­syt­hesis

The calvin cycle uses the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH to reduce CO2 to sugar Carbon fixation The process through which living things absorb inorganic carbon from the atmosphere and transform it into organic molecules is known as carbon fixation. Reduction In the carbon fixation stage of the Calvin cycle, carbon dioxide, an inorganic form of carbon, is converted into an organic form. In essence, carbon dioxide is reduced to produce a molecule with more energy. Regene­ration of the CO2 acceptor Regene­ration involves a complex series of reactions and requires ATP. The carbon dioxide acceptor in Calvin cycle is a five-c­arbon ketose sugar- Ribulose bispho­sphate Evolution of altern­ative mechanics of carbon fixation in hot, madrid climates Stomata openings contract in the heat to save water. The CO2 levels in the leaves decrease as a result. Rubisco more frequently causes RuBP to be oxidized than to be carbox­ylated. As a result, less carboh­ydrates are produced. CAM plants bundle sheath cells produces a three-­carbon molecule open stomata at night time. have evolved an altern­ative mechanism of carbon fixation to suppress the rate of photor­esp­ira­tion. Life depends on photos­ynt­hesis Photos­ynt­hesis is essential to most life on Earth. Plants, algae, and some types of bacteria carry out the process by capturing solar energy to create oxygen and chemical energy stored in glucose.