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Market Failure & Government Policies Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Chapter 9: Market Failure and Government Policies

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Market Failure

where the free market does not make the best use of scarce resources.
- where the outcomes of a free market differ from the socially optimal outcomes.

When does 'Market Failure' occur?

occurs when the free market fails to effici­ently allocate goods and services.

Reasons for Market Failure

1. Extern­alities
2. Public Goods
3. Asymmetric Inform­ation
4. Abuse of Market Power


1. Positive Extern­ality
where the side effects have a positive impact and provide benefits to third parties.
2. Negative Extern­ality
where the side effects have a negative impact and impose costs to third parties.

Reasons of Market Failure: Extern­alities

MSC (marginal social cost) is above the MPC (marginal private cost).
- MPC is the Supply Curve and DD is the demand curve
Equili­brium: Supply = Demand
Social Optimum output level is achieved at Q’ where MSC = DD = MSB

SC of Production & SB of Consum­ption

Social Cost (SC) of Production
SC =
Private cost incurred by the firm (PC)+ Extern­alities
Social Benefit (SB) of Consum­ption
SB =
Private benefit enjoyed by consumers+ Extern­alities