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CLE_notes_II Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Part II of notes for CLE

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

[intro] The Human Person

What makes a human person a human person?
to promote moral respon­sib­ility, use god-given gifts to contribute to society
- created in the image and likeness of god
- what is deserving of the person
- essence of a person, a human person (to promote good)
Church Perspe­ctives
Imago Dei
a person is not just something, but someone
inters­ubj­ect­ivity: treating people like objects
both corporeal and spiritual: animated by a spiritual soul

Christian Thinkers

St. Thomas Aquinas
1) embodied spirit
body + spirit = human person. Insepa­rable
2) rational creature
can make choices to contribute to moral respon­sib­ility
3) relational being
social creatures
we learn more about ourselves when we're with the people we love/hate
4) historical being
bounded by history, influence from the past
we have a past to learn from, a present to apply these learnings to, and a future to look forward to
5) unique though fundam­entally equal
equality: from human dignity
created from image and likeness of God
we have diff dreams and percep­tions in the world
Edit Stein
1) union of body and soul, embodied spirit
2) humans should be seen in the context of their inner motiva­tions (human dignity)
3) role of empathy and unders­tanding in human relati­onships (not a hierarchy)
Teilhard de Chardin
1) human beings are evolving toward a final spiritual unity
2) universe evolves toward a state of greater complexity
3) humans are led to cosmic redemption (spiritual quality)
Gabriel Marcel
1) who we are is influenced by others
2) fundam­entally a being in a relati­onship
GK Chesterton
1) needs philosophy for their own good
2) it is important for a human person to have something to believe in
3) reason is how individual and society advance
4) church is the meeting place and guardian of truth