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Extension Biased LBP Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Presentation, Management etc

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

McKenzie Classf­ication

- Postural (irrit­ation to joints, muscles and tendons from prolonged postures)
- Dysfun­ction - develo­pment of myofascial adhesi­ons­/sh­ort­ening
- Derang­ement - most common , displa­cement of spinal tissue usually a disc


- Pain at end range flexio­n/lat flex/r­otation
- Relief with extension
- Centra­lis­ation (recovery) , Periph­era­liz­ation (aggra­vation)
- Prefers standing or extension
- Pain on Mckenzie extension (look for centra­lis­ation, periph­era­liz­ation = discon­tinue)


- Home Management
- Exercises (least aggressive that centra­lises symptoms)
- Prone position with arms at side
- Low Press up (two fists under chin)
- High press up
- Performed throughout the day
- Avoid aggrav­ating activities