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3500 Final Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

3500 Final exam notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Purpose of CS 3500

CS 3500 is primarily about learning to:
Solve complex problems with software
Afterall, software rules the world
And that, that software should
Contains fewer defects
Be more mainta­inable
Components software systems will need
Networking (e.g., client­/server architecture)
IDE support - Visual Studio
Debug tools
Optimization tools
Database interface tools
Multi-Architecture Deployment (e.g., MAUI)
Copilot?, GPT?
XML docume­ntation
Pair Progra­mming
What is it?
Why should it be effective?
What can prevent it from being effective?
Dealing with Imperf­ections
Ask questions
Iterate, (Iterate, Iterate, Iterate)
See assignment recomm­end­ations on “tutorial steps”
Make assump­tions,
Document the assump­tions
Try not to make the assump­tions too broad (or assume it is “hard”)
Think Abstraction!
Ask about the assump­tions!
How to you use your time effect­ively?
Read all docume­ntation
Assignment Specif­ica­tions
Microsoft Developer Documentation
Understand protocols and APIs
Networking object
Agario “Commands”
Develop toy programs to help you understand


Sockets and Ports
Event based
Await and asynch­ronous elements
TCP assurances
Client/Server Archit­ecture
Allow librar­ies­/ab­str­actions to “do the work” for you
Dec 1969
4 nodes in utah
Client­-Server Archit­ecture
Client wants to do some “work”/“play”
Server controls functionality
Client usually shows the GUI
Server usually manages the Model/Data
DNS 🡪 Domain Name System Provides “IP Address”
IP Address: Unique Identifier
IP Address – a unique identifier for a computer: e.g.,
Roughly 4 levels of subdom­ains* (examples below just of intuition)
Category → high level grouping like .com, or .edu
Identifier -> division within the category (like utah or usu/google or amazon)
Subnet -> cs or ece or me
Machine -> my machine or your machine …
Client ⬄ Server Commun­ica­tions
The address of the server machine
Initial port to talk to
A unique port for future commun­ication
The Protoc­ol(s)!
Initial Port vs. Continuing Port
For Query/­Res­ponse programs (e.g., a web server):
the server will use a specific low port that is “known” so anyone can make an initial connection
i.e., 80
Ongoing connec­tions will be moved to a different (high) port number
So that new clients can talk to server at the same time
Ports - 1
“Mailbox Numbers” for the computer
Unique to for each program
If you try to “open” a port that is already in use you will get an error Note: this could happen if you try to run/debug two versions of the same program at the same time
Numbers Range: 0 - 64k
Ports -2
Who decides number?
Some programs have official ports
Other programs have “taken” over ports
Some ports screen­ed/­blocked by firewalls!
Especially low ports under 1000
Socket 🡪 Unique Channel between Sender and Receiver
Client asks the Server for connec­tion.
A Socket is defined!
An identifier repres­enting a particular point to point commun­ication connection between two pieces of software
My Port Number
Their Port Number
Combined into a single unique commun­ication channel
Agreed order and format of data for commun­ication
IP – Internet Protocol
Respon­sible for sending packets of inform­ation from host to host
Hand-wave Hand-wave Hand-wave (or Abstra­cti­on/­Sep­aration of concerns)
The internet and C#’s usage of it just works!
TCP – Transm­ission Control Protocol
Runs on top of IP (Internet Protocol)
One to One Reliable Communication
Data will arrive
Verified Ordering
Verified Uncorr­upted
Does not verify when data arrives or how much arrives at a given time!
C# libraries do all the work for you
UDP – User Datagram Protocol
Altern­ative to TCP
No Handsh­aking – no persistent connection
No guarantee of
Delivery Ordering
Duplication Protection
Why would we use this?
Faster -less overhead
Basic Network Commun­ication Facts:
Happen at the BYTE level!!!!
Your program must
Translate useful data into bytes and
Translate bytes into useful data (e.g., strings, objects, etc)
TCP does not guarantee
When Inform­ation Goes Out
When Inform­ation Arrives
How much inform­ation is sent at any one time…
TCP does guarantee
order and validity
Stacking Protocols
Web browsing looks something like this
TCP handling in C#
A TCPLis­tener object is at the heart of the server.
Listens on a specific port for incoming connection requests.
BeginA­cce­ptS­ocket – Wait for request to arrive
EndAcceptSocket - Obtains the Socket.
Server Main Thread Connection Listening Code (Do you see the “Loop”?)
What I call an Event Loop
Server Process
Thread 1 : // Purpose 🡪 Await Connection
Start up code:
Build TCP listener
Wait for Connec­tion( event_­handler )
Function event_­han­dler()
Build new socket identi­fying client
Build new Thread to handle client
Wait for Connec­tion( event_­handler )
Key Issues
How do you convert from an “object type” to an “actual” Type?
Why is IAsync­Res­ult.As­ync­State not typed….
What is meant by an Event (Receive Event) loop?
Async - tells the system that the code may “pause” and “return” later
Allows other threads to execute
Await - tells the system to “wait” here (pause thread) until an “event” happens
Some Key Async Ideas
Async methods should do “somet­hing” that may take a long time
E.g., DB lookup, network connec­tion, big comput­ation
Some Key Await Ideas
await keyword tells program to
“yield” cpu to other tasks while the long running operation completes
Then resume at the given line when task is done
WARNING: may be on a different thread
Server Issues - Multit­hre­ading
Two Threads:
Client Accepting
Message Sending
All Shared Data (e.g., Client array) must be protected
E.g., Removing items from the list
Lock (this.client_array)
Some Key Networking Issues - Data Arrival
You never know how much data will arrive at any given time
Some or all may “Show up” - What does arrive will be in order
Therefore: all data concat­ena­ted­/stored
Search “all data” for messages
Protocol of “what is a message?”
Key Parts to Networking Object
This is how the network code commun­icates state to the “user” program
TcpClient/TcpListener objects
The main object you will be using
See Simple­Cha­t[C­lie­nt/­Ser­ver­]Tc­pClient code
A unique identifier for the connection Settable (default → socket)
Cancel­lation Tokens
Long Running (possibly infinite) processes sometimes need to be interr­upted.
This functi­onality is built into the system via:

Good Software Practices

Mainta­ina­ble­/Te­stable Software
Simple (as possible)
Organized/Architected (e.g., MVC)
SOLID (e.g., Separation of Concer­ns/­Single Responsibility)
Working with another developer
Versioning, e.g., git usage
Asking questions & Discussing
Write down four (or more) Debug tools/­windows you use (should use) regularly:
Watch Window
Immediate Window
Threads Window
Stack Window
Break Points/Continue/Stepping
Output Window (e.g., for Logger)
Optimizing and Profiling
Rule 1: Don’t optimize until necessary
Rule 2: Optimize algorithm
Rule 3: Optimize the code that is being run the most
Use Profiling to define this code.
Readab­ility (under­sta­nda­bility) is everyt­hing.
Defect Management
Ease of Testing
Proper Naming
Less is better­/Sm­aller is better
Divide and conquer
Don’t repeat code!
Delete code instead of add new code
Separate functionality
Code does one thing well (a SOLID principle)
Draw Pictures, Figures, Diagrams
What is the purpose?
Document your strategies with figure­s/p­ict­ure­s/d­iag­rams.
UML is a good start
High Level Commenting
Describe high level intera­ctions of functi­ons­/cl­ass­es/etc in “header” comments
Describe tricky coding details using inline comments
Why Version?
Find changes
🡪 find errors, backup code, understand dev history…
When do you version?
Every day and/or after every important change
How do you version
Commit with _useful_ messages, then push
Tags, GitHub, etc.
Model View Contro­ller?
Why separate out these “parts”?
The smaller the code, the “closer” you are to it, the less likely there will be defects
Unit Tests should be coded for all projects, but especially the “Model” parts.
Test First
Transparent and Opaque Testing (Open/­Close Box)
Common Coding Styles
Consistent Styles
Also, keep consistent with capitalization
What tools do we have to assist us?
“Life-­Long” Learner
You will need to contin­ually be readin­g/s­tud­yin­g/p­rac­tic­ing­/im­proving your craft.
Often this will require self-m­oti­vation and drive on your part.
New Tools/­Lib­raries can often solve old problems.
Warning: don’t automa­tically upgrade every time a new version comes out
Project (Code) Life Cycle - Industry
Requir­ement Gathering
Note: Nonlinear, increm­ental, “circular”
Self Docume­nting Code
“Self-­doc­ume­nting code is ostensibly written using human-­rea­dable names, typically consisting of a phrase in a human language which reflects the symbol’s meaning…”
Code Analysis
Apply computer programs to Analyze and Improve computer programming
Code Analysis Tools
Complexity Analysis - e.g., how many lines of code
Duplicate Code Analysis - e.g., could be refactored into methods
Style Guides - e.g., put spaces around parameters
Code Cleanup - e.g., remove unused using statements
Code Analysis Continued
Code Analysis is run upon compil­ation
Shown as warnin­gs/­mes­sages in Error List
Design Patterns
Well understood and beneficial ways to effect­ively solve recurring problems
Two Examples:
Null Object
Common ways of solving problems that have unintended side effects
hard coded constants
premature optimi­zation
Compiler Optimi­zation in C#
In C#, we don’t have much control
Optimization is done by the runtime (JIT)
And partly by the CIL compiler
This is fine for most purposes
C# is not the language of choice for (super) high perfor­mance…


Relational - Tables “linked” by related keys
Note: there are non-re­lat­ional DBs
Two Database Table Design Goals
No repeated data
No empty data
SQL (basic) syntax
SQL tools (e.g., SSMS)
C# SQL interface
Why Databases?
You could craft your own solution to save and retrieve data…
Or you could take advantage of decades of research
Concurrent access
Shared/Remote Service
Don’t reinvent the wheel
Databases: Two major components
Database Management System (DBMS)
All the underlying machinery
(e.g., SQL Server 2019)
Query Language
Interface to the machinery
Operations succeed comple­tely, or not at all
E.g., if money is transf­erred from one account to another, the operation could not fail after the money has been removed from the first account and before it has been added to the second.
Operations leave database in consistent state
E.g., cannot assign a “user” into a Roll (table) if the user does not exist
Operations don’t interfere with each other
E.g., A Multi-­thr­eaded Database and a single threaded one act the same
Results will not be lost
E.g., if the “building loses power” any committed data will be accurate upon restart. (Data saved to disk.)
Database Tables - RELATIONAL
Structure of ed data storage
An “entity” like a person is stored as a Row in a Table
SQL Relati­onships
SQL takes care of managing and EFFICI­ENTLY traver­sin­g/m­erging relationships!
FROM Patrons
JOIN CheckedOut ON Patron­s.C­ardNum = Checke­dOu­t.C­ardNum
JOIN Inventory ON Checke­dOu­t.S­erial = Invent­ory.Serial
JOIN Titles ON Titles.ISBN = Invent­ory.ISBN
WHERE Patron­s.c­ardNum = 7
Basic DB Design Goals
Entries should be atoms (not complex)
Don’t store lists/­arrays in a cell (use multiple rows)
Build compound inform­ation by refere­ncing other tables
Enables powerful reasoning about data and relati­ons­hips, cleaner design
Enable DBMS to optimize
SQL-St­ruc­tured Query Language
Interface for accessing a relational database
Get data
Set data
Change data
Special Creation Parameters
Primary Key
Unique (no other row can have this value)
Identity (via properties)
Increment Auto
Count up giving unique value for each new row
REST – Repres­ent­ational State Transfer
For our purposes this means:
The URL tells the server everything it needs to know in order to take an action.
Often this is specified as an API


C# progra­mming
C# is one of many choice (albeit a good one)
it could have been C++, or Ruby, or Python, or Java, or Go, or ….
What are elements of the language that support GSPs?
Long winded essay question possibility:
“Describe multiple reasons we should use C# on our next project to support making mainta­inable software?”
Why learn/use C#
C# is simple, readable and easy to use
C# is all about developer productivity
C# is very flexible and allows you to develop a big variety of systems.
Console applic­ations Desktop applic­ations (Windows Forms, WPF) Windows Services Web Services and Web applic­ations (ASP.NET Core, Blazor) Native Mobile Applic­ations (.NET MAUI) AI Applic­ations (ML.NET) Distri­buted and Cloud Applic­ations (Azure) Games (Unity) IoT applic­ations Reusable libraries
C# runs on a solid well-e­ngi­neered .NET runtime
C# has built-in design patterns and best practices
Some Niceties of the C# Language
Functions as Values - Delegates, Event Handlers, etc.
Lambdas, Closures
Events - Design code around events “happe­ning”
Library support
Garbage collection
GUI Support
Much much more.
DLL -Dynamic Link Library
Your compiled code
Let’s take a look at the GUI Chat Client release folder
Logging dll
Communications dll
File Logger Dll
Etc., etc., etc.
What do we do with DLL
At Run Time
The system combines (links) all the DLLs as necessary
Debug vs. Release
When Deploying:
Almost always the DLL should be built in
More efficient - removes debug symbols
When Developing
Almost always the DLL should be built in
DEBUG mode
Allows debugger to interact with running program
In rare “why does it work on my machine but not when deployed” situat­ions, you can deploy DEBUG code and ATTACH to it!


Dependency Injection
Key Ideas
Code (objects) need other Code (objects) to work (or to be more effective)
Databases, Loggers, UserMa­nagers, etc.,
Where do those other objects come from?
Static Globals? Parameters?
Dependency injections help reduce reliance on "­Glo­bal­s"
Summary – Dependency Injection
Objects that need other objects to help do their job
Want to be able to use different objects without modifying source code:
Define functi­onality as an interface
Pass object in at constr­uction time (and save in class field)
Important: only works for classes that the “system” builds for you
E.g., you MAUI program MainPage!
Logging Defined
Logging is the act of recording inform­ation about the what is happening during the run time of your program
Where should you put log info?
Logs can be sent to one _or more_ of the following:
Debug Display in Visual Studio
Windows Event Log
Log Levels
Some inform­ation is more important (to certain people) than other.
Too much inform­ation is often not useful.
Log Levels
Refers to how much and how “high a level” (or low) the inform­ation is
E.g. Debug vs Critical Error
0 Trace
every little detail.. way too much inform­ati­on... turn this off most of the time
Stakeholder: Developer - Something really odd is going on…
Show me all the mouse X,Y values as the mouse traverses the screen
1 Debug
standard detail level... usually too much info to store... use this for develo­pment
Stakeholder: Developer - Standard Develo­pment Cycle
Show me every collision between two objects in the game
2 Inform­ation
high level inform­ati­on... for example "when a client connec­ts"... use this to understand "­met­a-l­eve­l" of applic­ation
Stakeholder: Develo­per­/Site Admini­strator
Show me who logged into the system.
3 Warning
something is probably going wrong, but we haven't handled it yet
Stakeh­older: Develo­per­/Site Admini­strator
Show me when an unauth­orized user attempts to access data
4 Error
something has gone wrong and we didn't know how to (or didn't want to spend the time) to handle it
Stakeh­olders: Site Admini­str­ators, Project Lead, (Devel­oper)
Bank software cannot transfer to another bank
5 Critical
the applic­ation is about to die... can we do it gracefully?
Stakeh­olders: Site Admini­str­ator, Project Lead
Bank software “died” because database is not accessible
6 None
turn off messaging.
Reasons to do:
My code is perfect.
Disk space is very expensive.
(Note: neither of these are a reason to do this, nor are they true)
Decisions - Where in Code to place Logging
Any “big” action
Connection on the net
Any “compl­icated” action
For debugging complete message building
Any “catas­tro­phic” event
Let developer manager know where to go back to look for problem
Example of levels to log messages at
Position of mouse
_logge­r.L­ogT­race($ “{Mous­ePo­sit­ion}” );
Partial messages coming over internet
_logge­r.L­ogD­ebug( $”Data Receive: {data}” );
Information (or maybe just warning)
New Chat Client Connected
_logge­r.L­ogI­nfo­rma­tion( $” {name} connected from {ip_ad­dress}” );
Setting Up Logger on a C# program
To (corre­ctly) use Loggers and Dependency Injection, you must instrument the following places of your code:
The Main Program
The Class Constr­uctor
Class Methods


Threads (applies to _all_ languages)
Important Issues:
Race Conditions
Locking shared data
Two (or more) threads each waiting on the other(s) to release a lock
Easy fix → One lock/Order Locking
Warning: Debugging changes behavior. How?
No assurance of ordering
Networking and GUI → Threads
Network commun­ica­tions come in “Async”
Handled on DIFFERENT threads
GUI work MUST BE DONE on the GUI thread
Dispatcher.Dispatch( ( ) => { Messag­esA­ndS­tat­us.Text = $"Server Shutdo­wn!­" + Enviro­nme­nt.N­ew­Line; }
Puts requests for GUI changes into a queue
When the GUI thread “has a chance”, take care of requests in queue
Always runs on GUI thread
Warning - More than one thread (GUI + networ­kin­g(s)):
If your GUI thread deals with an object that a networking thread also uses, you must protect the code using locks!
Race Condition – server code
The Clients list is “shared” by all threads, thus becoming a Race Condition
How do we fix this?
Answer: locking!
Warning for Server: Don’t “hold on to” client list while doing lots of work (e.g., sending messages to all clients)
Copy client list (while locked)
Then iterate over the copied list!


MVC -Model View Controller
Tendency is to write all of our logic together
Assignment 7 Server “logics”
Networking ← Model
GUI ← View/C­ont­roller
Connected Clients ← Model
Separation of Concerns
GUI Server
Everything to do with storing multiple clients should be “abstr­acted” (i.e., put into a model class)
Everything to do with Networking should be put into the Networking class
Everything to do with the GUI should stay in the GUI class
i.e., PlaySurface.Invalidate();
Can be called anywhere (not just on GUI thread)
Tell GUI Thread: At next opport­unity, redraw the affected region
Suggested Options
Always (inside Draw Scene) → BAD :(
“Burns” cycles
On Message Received → Locked with Server → Okay
Timer → X times per second → Good as well
Especially if your client did “inter­pol­ation”!


JSON Serial­ization - “Recur­sion”
Is it recursive?
Yes - all objects inside public Properties are also serial­ized.
Deep Copy (not shallow copy)
?? Circular References ??
JSON Serial­ization - Default Operation
What constr­uctor is used BEFORE data put in:
Default constr­uctor
What is serial­ized? Public properties
What is not serialized?
Fields, private properties
How do we change that?
Attributes (Metadata Tags)
JSON De/Ser­ial­ization - How does it work?
Runtime - inspect code
Calls default* constr­uctor
“Finds” the names of the properties
Reads the JSON looking for matching names
Puts data directly into properties
“Finds” names of properties and auto-g­ene­rates json string
Important JSON Attribute Tags and Options
Specify the specific constr­uctor to use
Constructor parameters must match names of Json Fields
Force property to be part of the serial­ization
For property to not be part of the serialization
If field _not_ there then error
Parsing JSON
Food f = new Food();
List<Food> list = new();
message = JsonSe­ria­liz­er.S­er­ialize( list );
JsonSe­ria­liz­er.D­eS­eri­ali­ze<­Lis­t<F­ood­>>( message );
DeSerialize(message, new List<F­ood­>().Ty­pe())

Web Servers

Web Server
Simply a program that listens on a port for a connection (e.g., from a web browser) and sends back web pages
Using HTTP -Hypertext transport protocol
HTTP sequence
Point browser to a web server, e.g.,
Browser opens socket to address
Server accepts socket
Browser sends text:
“GET / HTTP/1.1” + stuff
Server replies with text:
“HTTP/1.1 200 OK …” + “<h­tml­>…<­/ht­ml>”
Server closes socket – every HTTP request uses a new connection
Just a bunch of strings sent through sockets on the net…
Request, e.g.,
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: www.cs.ut­
Response, e.g.,
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Conten­t-Type: text/html; charse­t-UTF-8
HTTP Web Response
Just a string that follows the protocol, e.g.,
[New Line]
HTTP Web Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n
Connection: close\n
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n
<text or html>
Body → HTML (simple example)
<!D­OCTYPE html>
<h1­>My First Headin­g</­h1>
<p>My first paragr­aph.</­p>
URL -Uniform Resource Locator
scheme → protocol (e.g. ftp, http, https)
host → server name or address
e.g. www.cs.ut­
Port → 80/443 by default
We will continue to use 11000
Web page extras
Cascading Style Sheets
Send type: “text/css”
Makes things look nice
User Secrets
Secrets - “Infra­str­ucture” inform­ation you do not want in the code base, e.g.,
Location of DB
User of DB
Password for DB
Other data that might be changed by a System Admin (not a developer)