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Kivy Interactive Applications and Games in Python Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


propor­tional coordi­nates
("pe­rce­nta­ges­" of the total size of the window) rather than fixed coordi­nates (exact pixels).[ 10 ]
size_hint: .4, .3
pos_hint: {'x': 0, 'top': 1}
pos_hint: {'right': 1, 'y': 0}
pos_hint: {'cent­er_­x':.5, 'cente­r_y­':.5}
would align a widget in the middle no matter the size of the window.
pos: root.x, - self.h­eight
we should have used: x: 0 top: root.h­eight
The properties x, center_x, right, y, center_y, and top always specify fixed coordi­nates (pixels), and not propor­tional ones. If we want to use propor­tional coordi­nates, we have to be inside a Layout (or an App) and use the pos_hint property.

Drawing basic shapes 2 Chapter 2

works very similar to Rectangle , but it has three new proper­ties: angle_­start, angle_end, and segments.

layouts 2

For layouts
For widgets
A pair w, h: w, and h express a proportion (from 0 to 1 or None).
size_ hint_x size_ hint_y
A proportion from 0 to 1 or None, indicating width (size_ hint_x) or height (size_ hint_y).
Dictionary with one x-axis key (x, center_x, or right) and one y-axis key (y, center_y, or top). The values are propor­tions from 0 to 1.
A pair w, h: w and h indicating fixed width and height in pixels.
Yes, but set size_ hint: (None, None)
Fixed number of pixels.
Yes, but set size_ hint_x: None
Fixed number of pixels.
Yes, but set size_ hint_y: None
A pair x, y indicating a fixed coordinate (x, y) in pixels.
Yes, but don't use pos_hint
x, right or center_x
Fixed number of pixels.
Yes, but don't use x, right or center_x in pos_hint
y, top or center_y
Fixed number of pixels.
Yes, but don't use y, top or center_y in pos_hint

Graphics – the Canvas Chapter 2

Kivy Canvas
is a set of drawing instru­ctions that define the graphical repres­ent­ation of Widget .
coordinate space
the place in which we draw.All the Kivy widgets share the same coordinate space, and a Canvas instance, the instru­ctions to draw on it. A coordinate space is not restricted to the size of the window or the applic­ation screen, which means that we can draw outside of the visible area.

Unders­tanding the canvas Chapter 2

• The coordinate space refers to the place in which we draw, which is not
restricted to the windows size
• A Canvas object is a set of instru­ctions to draw in the coordinate space,
not the place we draw in
• All Widget objects contain their own Canvas (canvases, which we will
see later) but all of them share the same coordinate space, the one in the
App object.

All the graphics instru­ctions added to different Canvas
objects, which at the same time belong to different Widget
objects, affect the same coordinate space. It is our task to
make sure that the coordinate space is in its original state
after modifying it with the graphics instru­ctions.

A Widget is also a place marker (with its position and size),
but not necess­arily a placeh­older. The instru­ctions of the
canvas of a widget are not restricted to the specific area of
the widget but to the whole coordinate space.

Drawing basic shapes Chapter 2

The vertex instru­ctions inherit from the Vertex­Ins­tru­ction base
class, and allow us to draw vector shapes in the coordinate space.
The context instru­ctions (Color, Rotate, Translate, and Scale)
inherit from the Contex­tIn­str­uction base class, and let us apply
transf­orm­ations to the coordinate space context. By coordinate space
context, we mean the conditions in which the shapes (specified in the
vertex instru­ctions) are drawn in the coordinate space.

Basically, vertex instru­ctions are what we draw and context instru­ctions affect
where and how we draw.

This means that we cannot use the size_hint or pos_hint properties as we did
with the widgets in Chapter 1, GUI Basics – Building an Interface. However, we can
use the properties of self to achieve similar results (Line 18 and 19).

Rectangle is a good starting point because it resembles the way we set properties
in widgets. We just have to set the pos and size proper­ties.

The pos and size properties of the vertex instru­ctions are different
from the pos and size properties of Widget, since they belong to
the Vertex­Ins­tru­ction base class. All the values to specify the
properties of the vertex instru­ctions are given in fixed values.

float layout

We can also force a Layout to use fixed values, but there can be conflicts if we are
not careful with the proper­ties. If we use any Layout ; pos_hint and size_hint take
priority. If we want to use fixed positi­oning properties ( pos , x , center_x , right ,
y , center_y , top ), we have to ensure that we are not using the pos_hint property.
Second, if we want to use the size , height , or width proper­ties, then we need to
set a None value to the size_hint axis we want to use with absolute values.[ 13 ]


Organizes the widgets with propor­tional coordi­nates by the size_hint and pos_hint proper­ties. The values are numbers between 0 and 1, indicating a proportion to the window size.
Operates in the same way that FloatL­ayout does, but the positi­oning properties (pos, x, center_x, right, y, center_y, top) are relative to the Layout size and not the window size.
Organizes widgets in a grid. You have to specify at least one of two properties – cols (for columns) or rows (for rows).
Organizes widgets in one row or one column depending on whether the value of the orient­ation property is horizontal or vertical.
Similar to BoxLayout, but it goes to the next row or column when it runs out of space. There is more flexib­ility to set the orient­ation. For example, rl-bt organizes the widgets in right-­to-­left, bottom­-to-top order. Any combin­ation of lr (left to right), rl (right to left), tb (top to bottom), and bt (bottom to top) is allowed.
Works in a similar manner to Relati­veL­ayout but allows multitouch gesturing for rotating, scaling, and transl­ating. It is slightly different in its implem­ent­ation, so we will review it later on.
Stacks widgets on top of each other, creating a multipage effect that allows flipping of pages using side borders. Very often, we will use another layout to organize elements inside each of the pages, which are simply widgets.
Anchor layout
The Anchor­Layout aligns its children to a border (top, bottom, left, right) or center.

Embedding layouts

Note that pos_hint always uses relative coordi­nates, no matter the
layout we are using. In other words, the previous example wouldn't
have worked if we were using pos_hint instead of pos.[ 17 ]

PageLayout – swiping pages

The PageLayout works in a different manner from other layouts. It is a dynamic
layout, in the sense that it allows flipping through pages using its borders. The idea
is that its components are stacked in front of each other, and we can just see the one
that is on top.

PageLayout – swiping pages 2

If we want to apply changes to all the child widgets that have
a common base class (such as Layout), we can introduce those
changes in the base class. Kivy will apply the changes to all the
classes that derive from it.[ 21 ]

Our project – Comic Creator Chapter 1

Kivy id
Kivy id which allows us to refer to other components inside the Kivy language.
The difference with the normal Button is that it stays pressed until we click on it again.
group property
A Toggle­Button instance can be associated with other Toggle­Button instances, so just one of them is clicked on at a time. We can achieve this by assigning the same group property (line 250) to the Toggle­Button instances that we want to react together.
a nice feature for styling the text of the Label class. It works in a similar manner to XML-based langua­­cum­ent­ation for Label ( http:/­/ki­vy.o­rg­/do­cs/­api­-ki­vy.u­­bel.html ).