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OCA Java SE Programmer I . Java basics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


The structures and components of a Java class
Unders­tanding executable Java applic­ations
Unders­tanding Java packages
Importing Java packages into your code
Applying access and non access modifiers
Features and components of Java

Structure of a Java class

Package statement
----- 1
Import statements
----- 2
----- 3a
Class declar­ation
----- 4
----- 5
----- 3b
----- 6
----- 7
Nested classes, nested interfaces and Enum are not covered Enum


All Java classes are part of a package
If the class has not package defini­tion, it is classified in the default package (which doesn't have a name)
Must be the first in the class definition (though you can define comments a above its declar­ation)
The package statement can't appear within a class declar­ation or after the class declar­ation
Must appear exactly once in a class
Classes and interfaces in the same pacakge can use each other without prefixing theier names with the pacakge name
The use a class or an interface of another package, you must use its fully qualified name
Use import statement to use the simple name of a class or interface
A package is made of multiple sections that go from the more-g­ene­ric­(left) to the more specif­ic(­right)
Per java naming conven­tions, packages names should all be in lowercase
The package and subpackage names are separated using a dot (.)
Package names follow the rules defined for valid identi­fiers in Java
For classes and interfaces defined in a package, the package statement is the first statement in a Java source file (a .java file)
The can be a maximum of one package statement per Java source code file (.java file)
All the classes and interfaces defined in a Java source code file are defined in the same package. They can be defined in separate packages.
The hierachy of classes and interfaces defined in packages must match the hierarchy of the direct­ories in which these classes and interfaces are defined in the code.
To enable the Java Runtime Enviroment (JRE) to find your classes, add the base directory that contains your packaged Java code to the classpath


Can appear before and after a package
Can appear before and after a class definition
Can appear before and after a method
Multiline comments
/* */
Multiline comments
Can contain special charac­ters. The following is a coding practice (but not required):
* comments that span
* multiple lines
End-of­-line comments
Is it valid?
String name = "\/* Juan */ Paul";
Javadoc comments are special comments that start with /** and end with */ (this is processed by Javadoc, a JDK tool to generate API docume­nta­tion)

Class declar­ation

Acces modifiers
Nonacces modifiers
Class name
Name of the base class
if the class is extending another class
Class body
(class fields, methods, constr­uct­ors), included {}

More on classes

class definition
used to specify the attributes (variables) and behavior (methods) of an object.
A class name starts with the keyword class. It is cAsE-s­EnS­iTiVe
The state of a class is defined using attributes or instance variables
It isn't compulsory yo define all attributes of a class before defining its methods. But this is far from being optimal for readab­ility
often used to manipulate the instance variables
A class method or static method can be used to maniplate the static variables
Instance variab­ls/­att­ributes
Each object has its own copy of the instance variables
The instance variables are defined within a class but outside all methods in a class

Interfaces in a Java source code file

Interface in a Java source code file
Specifies a contract for the classes to implement
Grouping of related methods and constants
Starting Java 8, methods in an interface can define a default implem­ent­ation
Interface can also define static methods.
You can define either a single class or an interface in a Java source code file or multiple such entites.
-able- suffix for interfaces like Compar­able? preffix for interf­aces, like ICompa­rable?
The classes and interfaces can defined in any order of occurrence in a Java source code file
Classes and interfaces defined in the same Java source code file can't be defined in separate packages.
`interface Controls {
void change­Cha­nne­l(int channe­lNu­mber);
void increa­seV­olu­me();
void decrea­seV­olu­me();

Executable Java Applic­ations

What is aexecu­table Java class?
An executable Java class, when handed over to the JVM, starts its execution at a particular point in the class-- main method. The JVM starts executing the code that's defined in the main method.
A Java applic­ation can define more than one executable class. We have to choose one when the times comes to start its execution by the JVM
main method
Must be marked public
Must be marked as a static method
The name of the method must me be main
The return type of this method must be void
The method must accept a method argument of a String array or a variable argument (varargs) of type String
public static void main(S­tri­ng... args)
It's valid
public static void main(S­tring args...)
Won't compile
public static void main(S­tring[] hola)
public static void main(S­tring argume­nmt­os[])
It's ok
static public void main(S­tring argume­nmt­os[])
Yes, you can exchange modifiers (ok)
set up to compile or execute from command prompr
D:\>java hello
Execute a Java app
D:\>java hello 1 2
D:\>java hello with arguments
Java doesn't pass the name of the class as an argument to the main method (like C does)