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For Understanding the Self Quiz and Recitation


unsoci­alized and sponta­neous
results from progre­ssive stages of role playing
Free and Unique
one who analyze one's own behavior

Mead concept of genera­lized others

Organized community group which gives to the individual his unity of self
The attitude of generalize other is the attitude of community
Ex. Dance Group

Self Evaluation Mainte­nance Theory

-states that we feel THREATENED when someone outper­forms us or does better than us.

We usually act in 3 ways in these situations
1. We distance ourselves from the person
2. We reconsider the aspect or skill you were outper­formed in.
3. We try to improve that aspect of ourselves.


-Father of Modern Philosophy
-human body = body + mind
-"there is so much that we should doubt" (skepticism)
-Act of thinking about the self or self-c­ons­cious is proof that there is self.
- I think, therefore i am
-the self = cogito ( mind: the thing that thinks) + extenza (physical body: extension of mind)
-"I am thinking a thing... a thing that doubts, unders­tands, affirm­s...."
Human Ration­ality - we need reason in order to evaluate our thoughts and action
-reason for universal truth, reason to protect ourselves from danger of innocence.

-disagrees with the all other aforem­ent­ioned philos­ophers
- "one can only know what comes from the senses & experi­ences"
- you know that other ppl are humans because you see, feel, hear etc.
-"the self is nothing but a bundle of impres­sions and ideas
impres­sions - basic objects of our experi­enc­e/s­ens­ation
idea - copies of impres­sions - not as "­rea­l" as impres­sions.

-there is MIND that regulates these impres­sions
- we need active intell­igence
-self is not only person­ality but also the seat of knowledge

-denies the internal, non-ph­ysical self
-i act, therefore i am. Unders­tanding one's self by experience
-'what truly matters is the behavior that a person...'

-mind and body are insepa­rable
-ones body is his opening toward his existence to the world
-the living body, his thoughts, emotions are all one.

Charles Horton Cooley's Looking Glass Self

3 Phases of Self Concept
We imagine how we present ourselves to others
We imagine how others evaluate us
We Develop some sorts of feelings about us such as pride and shame.

ex. nicrit­izite ka ng tr mo and inadapt mo.

Private Self, Public Self

1. Private Self - your internal private thoughts and feelings. EX: I am generous
2. Public Self/Image - assessment of the self by the genera­lized others. EX. iniisip ng iba para sayo
3. Collective Self - view of the self that is found in member­ships in local groups. EX. Family, co-workers


-love for wisdom
-study of the fundam­ental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
-theory that someone has about how to live or deal with a situation.

-union of elements, namely: body, thoughts, feelings or emotions.
- a person's particular nature or person­ality. qualities that makes a person unique

-concerned with the problem of the self
-Know thyself "the unexamined life is not worth living**
-succeeded made people think about who they are
-worst thing to happen is to live but die inside
-"every person is dualis­tic'' man = body + soul
-individual = imperf­ect­/pe­rmanent (body) + perfect & permanent (soul)

3 Components to the soul
rational soul- reason & intellect to govern affairs
spirited soul - emotions should be kept at bay
appetitive soul - base desires and comforts (foods, drinks, sleep)

-under­sta­nding the self is through religion
-human beings without God, are bound to fail
-part of man dwells in the world (imper­fect) and yearns to be with the Divine
-Body is united with the soul, so that man may be entire and complete
-body –dies on earth; soul –lives eternally in spiritual bliss with “God” (#life­goalz)

Social Identity Theory by Henry Tajfel

-it is all about becoming part of different groups, and how membership to these groups helps construct our identi­ties. It is building a part of their identity by partic­ipating with them.

3 Elements
1. CATEGO­RIZ­ATION - looks at the way in which people put others into categories. We label one another based on interests, gender, ethnicity, occupa­tion.

2. IDENTI­FIC­ATION - this could be your family, friendship group, or class. Once a social identity has been identi­fied, people will choose to associate with certain groups. group or individual that posses as a threat to your in group is called the out group.

3. COMPARISON - ppl compare themselves and their groups with other groups, seeing a favourable bias towards the group in which they belong. Nowadays, younger ppl dividing themselves into social groups or subcul­tures.
Downward Social Comparison - a common type of comparing ourselves to others.
Upward Social Comparison - is comparing ourselves with those who are better than us. Can be motivation but it can also lower your self esteem.


-According to Mauss, every self has two faces:
-Moi - a person's self of who he is, his body, basic identity,
-Personne- social concepts of what it means to be himself, to live in a particular instit­ution.

-self is not biological but social
- self is developed through social intera­ction and reflec­tions on those intera­ctions.

-Under­sta­nding of these symbols can accomp­lished by role playing.
-Role Playing - one takes on the role of another.
-by putting oneself in the position of others
- self can be can on be developed if the indiv can get outside
-one must be conscious of oneself.

Chil­dhood three stages of develo­pment

-Self is not inborn
1. Prepar­atory Stage-imitates the behavior of his parents like sweeping the floor.
2.Play Stage-playing the role of others. Ex.Child being a teacher
3.Game Stage- come to see himself from the perspe­ctive of other people.


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