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Sed Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by [deleted]

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


wild characters
a single character, if not special, is matched against text
matches any character
matches a sequence of 0 or more repeti­tions of previous charac­ter­/gr­ouped regexp­/class
match all characters on every line (including empty ones)
as *, but matches 1 or more
match all characters on every non-empty line
as *, but only matches 0 or 1 character
special characters
new line
any non-wh­ite­space character
any word character (letter, digit, unders­core)
any non-word character
line beginning
matches the null string at the beginning of the line. What appears after ^ must appear at the beginning of the line
match every line beginning with a # character
line ending
same as ^, but refers to the end of line
dollar sign is escaped, so this matches lines ending with a single dollar
backslash is escaped, so this matches lines ending with a single backslash
number of sequences
as *, but matches exactly i number of sequences
matches more than or equal to i sequences
matches between i and j sequences, inclusive
matches an A that is the last character on line, with at least 9 preceding characters
matches an A that is the 16th character on a line
groups and lists
matches any single character in list. Dashes indicate inclusive sequences.
matches any letters or digits


sed '' file
auto print file contents to command line (essen­tially
sed -n 'p' file
surpresses auto printing of each line;
prints each line (same result as above)
sed -n '1p' file
print only 1st line
sed -n '1,5p' file
print 1st through 5th lines
sed -n '1,+4p' file
print 1st line and next 4 lines (same output as above)
sed -n '1~2p' file
print every 2nd line beginning with the 1st
sed -n '/keyw­ord/p' file
prints every line that contains keyword


sed '1~2d' file
delete every 2nd line beginning with the 1st (without
option will also print what remains)
sed '/^$/d' file
matches any blank lines and passes them to the delete command
sed '/^$/!d' file
delete any line that is not blank (! inverts the address)
sed 's/[0-­9]//g' file
delete all digits in all lines

interact with files

sed '1~2d' file > newfile
delete every 2nd line from file, print remaining lines to newfile
sed -i '1~2d' file
delete every 2nd line "­in-­pla­ce", changes original file
sed -i.bak '1~2d' file
create backup file with .bak extension, edit the regular file in place
Note that source file is not affected by the basic commands; the edits are directed only to the command line unless explicitly directed to a file.


basic substi­tution
sed 's/old­wor­d/n­eww­ord/'
change 1st instance of oldword in each line to newword
sed 's|dir­1/o­ldw­ord­|di­r2/­new­word|'
if string includes forward slash, other valid delimiters include pipe, underscore
start options
sed 'keywo­rd/­s/o­ldw­ord­/ne­wword/' file
replace first instance of oldword with newword in any line that includes keyword
sed '1,3s/.*/­new­word/' file
substitute everything in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd lines with newword
end flags
sed 's/old­wor­d/n­ewword/flag' file
flag can be any of the below
substitute every instance of oldword instead of just the first on each line (default behavior)
substitute only numberth instance of oldword on each line
print new pattern space for all lines where substi­tution was made
ignore case
other commands
sed 's/wor­d/(­&)/' file
holds matched pattern (word) and puts parent­heses around it
sed 's/old­/ne­w/'­;s/­fir­st/­sec­ond/' file
semicolon strings together distinct commands
sed -n 's/old­wor­d/n­eww­ord/2p' file
prints the lines where substi­tution took place

random tricks

sed 's/.*/­\"&­\"/g'
add double quotes to line
sed "­s|.*­|$­dir­nam­e|" file
use double quotes to expand variables within replac­ement. Use a different delimiter if variable contains slashes (e.g. directory path)
var=$(sed -n "­${i­}p" file)
set variable equal to line in file, where line number i is also a variable
Also remember
reads and operates line by line. Some commands modify the output stream directly (so can't use results for more editing unless pipe it to another