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VETS1022 Mr.Nha Connective Tissue Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Subject of connective tissue

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


- Derived from Mesorderm
- Acts as supportive tissues:
+ Structural framework
+ Organ procection
+ Stores energy
+ Nutrient transp­ort­ation
+ Protection against pathogens
- Consists of CELLS and MATRIX
Matrix: fibers + ground substance (from fibrob­last) --> surrounds cells and make up majority of volume


- Connective tissue proper:
+ Cells: mainly fibroblast
+ Matrix: Semi fluid
- Supportive connective tissue:
+ Cartilage: chondr­ocytes, gel-like fluid
+ Bones: osteoc­ytes, calcified matrix
- Fluid connective tissue:
+ Blood: blood cells, fluid matrix

Connective Tissue Proper

- Scattered cells that are either fixed or migratory
- Fibres
- Viscous ground substance
Fixed cells:
- Fibrob­lasts
- Adipocytes
- Mesenc­hymal cells
- Macrop­hages
Migratory cells:
- Lympho­cytes
- Mast cells
- Plasma cells
- Macrop­hages


- Most abundant
- Always present
- Secretes components of ground substance
- Secretes protein sub-units --> form fibres
- Involved in wound healing
- Elongated along fibres, elliptical nucleus, moderately dense

Mesenc­hymal cells

- Smaller, less differ­ent­iated than fibrob­lasts
-Differ­ent­iated into other connective tissue cells when injure­d/i­nfected
-Star (stell­ar)­/sp­indle (fusiform) shape
- Oval nucleus, can be seen clearly
- Lie along capill­aries
-Present in many types of connective tissues


-Lipid synthesis and storage
-Contain 1 or more lipid droplets
-Displaced nucleus; narrow cytopl­asm's rim
- Main cell of adipose tissue
-Also present in loose connective tissue (clumps or single
- Non - dividing

Macrop­hages (ALSO Histio­cytes)

-Derived from Monocytes
-Phagoc­ytosis of: dead tissue; foreign materials
- If stimulated --> Release chemicals triggering immune system
- Store antigenic materials to present to antibo­dy-­pro­ducing cells
- Stalla­te/­Fus­iform shape, lie along fibres
- Large, irregular nucleus
-Difficult to distin­guish these and fibrob­lasts

Migratory cells

Besides Mast cells, all migratory cells immigrated from blood
- Neutro­phils
- Eosino­phils
- Monocytes
- Lympho­cytes --> Plasma cells (diffe­ren­tiated)

Mast cells

-From immune system
- Large cells, shape varied amongst species
-Small, maybe binucleus
- Basophilic granules, contains heparin and histamine --> Released in response to injury­/in­fection
- Similar to basophils

Plasma cells

-Ovoid, basophilic cytoplasm
- Eccentric "cart wheel" nucleus
- A lot in lymph nodes and connective tissues of G.I Tract
- Produce antibodies

Classi­fic­ation of CT Proper

Based on physical and histol­ogical charac­ter­istics
- Loose (areolar) connective tissue
- Dense CTissue (Regular, Irregular)
- Elastic CT
- Reticular CT
-Adipose tissue (White, Brown)

Ground substance

- Surrounds cells and fibres
- Clear and viscous
--> Slow pathogens --> Facili­tates phagoc­ytosis
- Contains proteo­glycans and glycop­roteins

Elastic Fibres

-Composed of protein elastin
-branches and wavy
-Stretch and recoil to relaxed state
-Yellowish when fresh
-Difficult to see with H&E, use specia­lised stain
-Forms Elastic fibres ligmants (in continuous vertebrae) or discon­tinuous sheets (skin, lung, blood vessels)

Reticular Fibres

-Composed of same protein as collagen
-thinner than collagen
-tough, flexible, branching, interweave network
-stabilise position of cells, blood vessels, nerves
-difficult to see histol­ogi­cal­ly(need silver chain)
-Found in: parenchyma of spleen, liver, lymph nodes, glands and bone marrows.

Collagen fibres

-Long, straight
-Flexible, strong
-Polype­ptide chains twisted into a rope
-white/­clear when fresh
-Stained pink with eosin
- Most common in CT proper
- Form almost entirely Tendons and Ligaments

Loose CT (areolar)

- Volume mostly made of ground substance
--> inhibits passage of microo­rga­nisms
-Loosely arranged fibres
- Fixed/­mig­ratory cells are common
- Cells resist infection and assist wound healing
- Very vascular
- Packing around organs, support epithelial tissue

Dense CT

- Collagen fibres dominate --> fewer cells
--> Sometimes called Collag­enous tissue
- Less physio­log­ically active (less nerves and blood vessels)
- High strength, low to moderate elasticity
-Collagen fibres either PARALLEL:
--> Regular Dense CT (ligam­ents, tendons, joint capsules)
--> Irregular dense CT (dermis, organ capsules)

Elastic CT

- Elastic fibres dominate (irregular or regular dense)
- Moderate mechanical strength and high elasticity
- Found in: Airways of Respir­atory tree, arteries, ligaments of abdominal cavity and vertebral column.

Reticular CT

- Forms framework of softer tissues: spleen, liver, lymph nodes and bone marrows.

Adipose tissue

Mostly fat cells
Reserve energy and water
White adipocytes
- Bulk of body fat
Brown adipocytes:
- Smaller, multil­ocular cells
- Large, unilocular
- Round, central nuclei
- Signet ring: peripheral nucleus, lipid removed during processing --> leaving a vacuole
- Involved in heat production
- Many blood vessels and nerves
- Many in young animals and hibern­ators