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regex-tdfa Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Fast regex matching in Haskell

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Importing and Using

  - regex-tdfa
  - regex-tdfa-text

import Text.Regex.TDFA
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text ()

Basic Usage

<to-match-against> =~ <regex>  -- non-monadic, gives some reasonable 'default' if no match
<to-match-against> =~~ <regex> -- monadic, calls `fail' on no match

"my email is" =~ "[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+"
are polymo­rphic in their return type, so you may need to specify the type explicitly if GHC can't infer it. This is a little inconv­enient sometimes, but allows the matching operators to be used in a lot of different situat­ions. For example, it can return a
, if all you need is to check whether the regex matched; it can return a list of the matched strings; or it can return a list of the match indices and lengths, depending on what you need.

Basic Usage

a =~ b  -- a and b can both be any of String, Text, or ByteString
"foo-bar" =~ "[a-z]+" :: String  -- or Text, ByteString...
>>> "foo"
only supports String and ByteString by default;
provides the instances for Text.

Common use cases

a =~ b :: Bool  -- did it match at all?
a =~ b :: (String, String, String)
  -- the text before the match, the match itself, and the text after the match
a =~ b :: (String, String, String, [String])
  -- same as above, plus a list of only submatches

Advanced usage

getAllTextMatches (a =~ b) :: [String]
getAllMatches (a =~ b) :: [(Int, Int)]

getAllTextSubmatches (a =~ b) :: [String]
  -- the first element of this list will be the match of the whole regex
getAllSubmatches (a =~ b) :: [(Int, Int)]
For these functions, we can also request an Array as the return value instead of a List (again, through polymo­rph­ism).