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Awk one-liners for blast results manipulation Cheat Sheet by


This cheatsheet contains 10 useful AWK one-liners for tab delimited blast results. It is created as part of a series to help graduate students and biologists in learning some simple progra­­mming scripts. Each oneliner is usually accomp­­anied by additional comments which start with a hash ("#"). Runnabble codes is available on http:/­/co­de.r­un­nab­le.c­om­/Vf­ItW­NXU­YTc­rUk­wn/­10-­awk­-on­e-l­ine­rs-­for­-bl­ast­-re­sul­ts-­man­ipu­lat­ion­-fo­r-s­hel­l-b­ash­-an­d-b­ioi­nfo­rmatics
Author: Melissa M.L. Wong; Date created: 6 Aug 2015; Date last modifi­ed:21 April 2016; Email: meliss­­aw­o­n­gu­­km@­­gm­a­i­

Tab delimited blast results is a text-based files to show pairwise alignment between two sequences. It is generated using the option "­-outfmt 6" or "-m 8". Each column is separated by a tab and represents queryI­d($1), subjec­tId­($2), percId­ent­ity­($3), alnLen­gth­($4), mismat­chC­oun­t($5), gapOpe­nCo­unt­($6), queryS­tar­t($7), queryE­nd($8), subjec­tSt­art­($9), subjec­tEn­d($10), eValue­($11) and bitSco­re($12) respec­tively

1. To filter alignment

awk '$1~/Medtr1g006460.1/' temp.blast #matching query name
awk '$2~/Medtr0/' temp.blast #matching reference name
awk '$12>=1000' temp.blast #score
awk '$3>=80' temp.blast #identity percentage
awk '$11<1e-30' temp.blast #e-value

2. To filter all against all blast results

#method 1 - remove blast results of the same sequence and apply filtering
blastn -task megablast -db database1 -query temp.fa -evalue 1E-10 -outfmt 6 | awk '$1!=$2 && $3>=40 && $4>=300'
#method 2 - remove blast results of the same sequence and apply filtering
blastn -task megablast -db database1 -query temp.fa -evalue 1E-10 -outfmt 6 | awk '{split($1,a,"."); split($1,b,"."); if (a[1]!=b[1] && $3>=40 && $4>=300) print }'
#method 3 - remove redundant alignments. Any alignment in all-against-all blast can appear twice as seq1\tseq2 and seq2\tseq1. Both alignments can sometimes vary in length by 1-2 bp, however, they always share the same score.  
awk '{c=$1"\t"$2"\t"$12 ; b= $2"\t"$1"\t"$12; if ($1!=$2 && a[c]==0 && a[b]==0) a[$1"\t"$2"\t"$12]=$0}END{for (i in a) print a[i]}' temp.txt > temp.blast #not so working well

3. To filter alignments based on sequence length

#method 1 - calculate sequence length, calculate percentage of alignment length against sequence length, filter blast file
awk 'BEGIN{RS=">";FS="\n"}NR>1{seq="";for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) seq=seq""$i; print $1"\t"length(seq)}' temp.fa > len1
awk 'NR==FNR{a[NR]=$1"\t"$2"\t"$4;d[NR]=$0;sum+=1}NR>FNR{b[$1]=$2}END{for (i=1;i<=sum;i++) {split(a[i],c,"\t"); if (c[3]/b[c[1]]>=0.8 && c[3]/b[c[2]]>=0.8) print d[i]}}' temp.blast len1 len1
#method 2 - if length information is included in fasta header
awk '{split($1,a,"_"); split($1,b,"_"); c=a[2];d=b[2]; if ($4/c>=0.8 && $4/d>=0.8) print $0}' temp.blast #if length in header and separated by "_"

4. To count the number of queries

awk '! a[$1]++' temp.blast | wc -l
awk '{a[$1]++}END{for (i in a) sum+=1; print sum}' temp.blast #equivalent script but faster

5. To count the number of alignments per query

awk '{a[$1]++}END{for (i in a) print i"\t"a[i]}' temp.blast

6. To find best hit for a query

#method 1 - Use the first alignment per sequence assuming the best hit is always listed first
awk '! a[$1]++' temp.blast
#method 2 - Use total score assuming each query can have multiple alignments to a reference sequence. In my opinion, this is the best way except in cases where multiple alignments to the same region of a pair of query and reference are reported. 
awk '{b[$1]="0"; e[$1]="";if (a[$1,$2]=="0") a[$1,$2]=$12; else {score=a[$1,$2]+$12; a[$1,$2]=score}}END{for (i in b) for (j in a) {split(j,c,SUBSEP); if (c[1]==i && a[j]>b[i]) {b[i]=a[j];e[i]=c[2]}}; for (i in b) print i"\t"e[i]"\t"b[i]}' temp.blast

7. To find reciprocal best hit for a query

#An extension of the finding best hit script by making sure that a query is a reference's best hit and vice versa
awk '{a[$1]="0";b[$1]="";c[$2]="0";d[$2]="";if (e[$1,$2]==0) e[$1,$2]=$12; else {score=e[$1,$2]+$12; e[$1,$2]=score}}END{for (i in a) for (j in e) {split(j,f,SUBSEP); if (f[1]==i && e[j]>a[i]) {a[i]=e[j];b[i]=f[2]}}; for (i in c) for (j in e) {split(j,f,SUBSEP); if (f[2]==i && e[j]>c[i]) {c[i]=e[j];d[i]=f[1]}}; for (i in b) if (b[i] in d && d[b[i]]==i) print i"\t"b[i]"\t"a[i]"\t"c[b[i]]}' temp.blast #need to debug

8. To extract one seqeunce

awk 'NR==FNR{if ($1~/Medtr1g006460.1/) a[$1]++}NR>FNR{if ($1 in a && $1!="") printf ">%s\n",$0}' RS="\n" FS="\t" temp.blast RS=">" FS="\n" temp.fa

9. To reduce blast file size

#replace unnecessary columns by replacing them with empty string. For example, we are only interested in the query name, reference name and score.
awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"$12}' temp.blast

10. To list all hits for each reference sequence

awk '{a[$1]++;b[$1,$2]++}END{for (i in a) {printf "%s", i; for (j in b) {split(j,c,SUBSEP); if (c[1]==i) printf " %s", c[2]};printf "\n"}}' temp.blast


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