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Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Key points to remember for Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) certification exam

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Describe Cloud Concepts (20-25%)

SLA-re­lated Concepts
High Availa­bility (HA): Service Availa­bil­ity­=99.999% of the time (or as close to it as possible).
Fault Tolerance (FT): Service with Zero downtime
Disaster Recovery (DR): Plan to recover critical business systems and normal operations in the event of a catast­rophic disaster like a major weather event (hurri­cane, flood, tornado, etc), a cybera­ttack, or any other cause of signif­icant downtime.
Resources Alloca­tio­n-r­elated Concepts
Scalab­ility: Ability to increase or decrease resources for any given workload. Vertical Scaling (Scaling Up) = Add resources to increase power of an existing server. Horizontal Scaling (Scaling Out) = Add more servers that function together as one unit.
Agility: Ability to react quickly (allocate and deallocate resources quickly) without manual interv­ention in provis­ioning o deprov­isi­oning services.
Elasti­city: Ability to automa­tically or dynami­cally increase or decrease resources as needed.
Note: Scalab­ility is the system’s ability to scale (alloc­ate­/de­all­ocate) resources. Agility is the ability to scale quickly. If that scaling is happening automa­tic­ally, then we are talking about Elasticity.

Describe Cloud Concepts (20-25%)

Describe the Principles of Economies of Scale
The principle of economies of scale explains how the cost of services can decrease as a company grows and operates at a larger scale.
Economies of Scale is the ability to reduce costs and gain efficiency when operating at a larger scale in comparison to operating at a smaller scale.
Cloud providers (Microsoft, Google, and Amazon) are large busine­sses, and are able to leverage the benefits of economies of scale, and then pass those benefits on to their customers.
As a company grows in size and scale, it can benefit from economies of scale, allowing it to charge lower prices for its products or services while still remaining profit­able.
The principle of economies of scale perfectly describes what is happening with the cloud as it grows and has more customers.
Shared services can help companies reduce costs by hiring additional staff to maintain the company, leveraging the benefits of economies of scale.