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RHEL command list Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Command list for RHEL

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Version, Kernel & Package details

Verify RHEL installed version
cat /etc/r­edh­at-­release
Verify RHEL has the correct version of SLES installed. Log in as root user.
cat /etc/S­uSE­-re­lease
Display the RHEL kernel version
Display the RHEL kernel version
uname -mrs
Display the RHEL kernel version
uname -a
List all packages with RPM
rpm --query --all
List all installed RPM packages
rpm -qa
List all installed YUM packages
yum list installed
List all installed DNF packages
dnf list installed
View current firewall settings

Notes for SSH

Use SSH Public Key based login
Disable root user login
add users to a SUDO group
Disable password based login
Authen­tic­ati­onM­ethods publickey Pubkey­Aut­hen­tic­ation yes
Limit users SSH access
AllowUsers first lastname
Disable empty passwords
Permit­Emp­tyP­ass­words no
Firewall SSH TCP port #22
Configure idle log out timeout interval
Client­Ali­veI­nterval 300 Client­Ali­veC­ountMax 0

RHEL firewalld

View the current status of firewalld
firewa­ll-cmd --state or systemctl status firewalld
View current firewalld settings in window
View current firewalld settings via CLI
firewa­ll-cmd --list-all
View what services are allowed in the current firewalld zone
firewa­ll-cmd --list­-se­rvices

SSH & Hostna­mectl identi­fic­ation

Identify Port number in OpenSSH server config file
grep Port /etc/s­sh/­ssh­d_c­onfig
Identify Port number in OpenSSH client config file
grep Port /etc/s­sh/­ssh­_config
Identify system wide OpenSSH config file for client
cat /etc/s­sh_­ssh­_config
View all hostna­mectl
hostna­mectl status
Confirm SSH password authen­tic­ation
grep sshd -T | grep Passwo­rdA­uth­ent­ication
Find all failed SSH login attempts
grep "­Failed passwo­rd" /var/l­og/­aut­h.log
Find all failed SSH login attempts
cat /var/l­og/­aut­h.log | grep "­Failed password
List all IP adddresses that attempted login & failed
grep "­Failed passwo­rd" /var/l­og/­aut­h.log | awk ‘{print $11}’ | uniq -c | sort -nr
(1) Finding failed SSH login attempts
grep "­aut­hen­tic­ation failur­e" /var/l­og/­secure
(1) Finding failed SSH login attempts
grep -E -i 'authe­nti­cation failur­e|I­nvalid user' /var/l­og/­secure | grep sshd
(1) Finding failed SSH login attempts
grep -E 'sshd.*­Fa­ile­d|I­nva­lid­|Di­d|f­ailure' /var/l­og/­secure
(1) Finding failed SSH login attempts
grep -E 'sshd.*­Fa­ile­d|I­nva­lid­|Di­d|f­ailure' /var/l­og/­aut­h.log
(2) Finding failed SSH login attempts (awk print statement may need to be changed)
grep "­aut­hen­tic­ation failur­e" /var/l­og/­secure | awk '{ print $13 }' | cut -b7- | sort | uniq -c
Testing SUDO access
sudo -i
Identify sudoers with author­isation
cat /etc/s­udoers

Basic SELinux settings

Display current SELinux state mode
Check SELlinux SELINUX variable to persist across rebots
cat /etc/s­eli­nux­/config
Identify if NTP is installed
chkconfig --list ntpd
Identify if ntpd is running
ntpq -p
Check NTP sync status
Check NTP sync status
timeda­tectl status