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This is a cheat sheet of the study tips which have worked for me, which I have collected throughout my studies.


Beginning of semester
List and map assess­ments, chapters, topics, tasks
Make a place to record every single assessment / exam tip
Make a place to record questions for revision
Help future me
Note down what worked, what didn’t on post its and in note book
Put any summarised notes / cheats­heets into PDF docs, they are useful at work

Study tips

Be deliberate
Online resources
Online walkth­roughs
Old test questions
Think: why is this relevant? And answer.
Meet weekly learning objectives
Read slides­/su­mmary prior to lecture
Read theory guide, establish main points, learn on net - take notes, browse chapter and add notes if anything missed
Turn up to every class, lowers workload signif­icantly
Studying is not a spectator sport, do stuff, don't just read.


Context map
Plan semester with MS Project
Libra Draw is really handy at drawing graphs

Context Map


Start as early as possible
Review textbook index and unit guide for things to discuss
Use journals
Use google books
Think about and cater to audience
Be crystal clear about objective
Read other essays on the topic
What, where, how, why, when
Why, why, why
Review previous exams for ideas and a refresher
If low word count use pictures and graphs to convey message

Advice to self

Eat that frog
Pick the vital 20%
Breaking a job down makes it more achievable
Associate good feelings with the task
It is NEVER too late to commit
Re-read responses on T/F because I often accidently circle the wrong letter
In IS you are expected to work it out for yourself, so google is your friend
Get after it!
Use previous plans and preps as templates (exams, assign­ments)
It always seems like you will never get it but then you do and it feels great!
Resist the temptation to do small things first (they become habit)

Online resources

Time and effort

Every minute spent planning saves about ten in execution. Plan everyt­hing.
Plan: Objective, Outputs, Tasks, Timeline
Study in the evening, works better for me
Remember Parkin­son's Law
Disconnect the internet if find self procra­sti­nating
Establish the vital 20%
The 80/20 rule = work on the vital few tasks not the trivial many. Most busy people are working on tasks of low value
Never allow self to start after a brief surf, it turns into more.
Any task, no matter how complex, can be broken down to manageable smaller tasks. Then any goal is as easy as checking off tasks. Those tasks should go down to about the size of an hour or a few hours.

Reduce anxiety

Bananas reduce anxiety (potas­sium)
Chamomile Tea = calm and sleepy
Be own best friend, do things at beginning to make life easier in the middle of semester, because it gets bad
Look out for self
Say no
Turn up to every class
Don't rush things
Stay in the moment, try not to multitask
Delibe­rately go slow
Ask yourself 'Whats wrong with this moment exactly as it it? What am I doing?'
Focus on common sounds, repetitive actions, close your eyes, listen to music, keep looking.

Reduce procra­sti­nation

Set self up to succeed, plan.
Use colour when bored to add some creativity and recapture focus
The pomodoro technique works well (25 / 5 minute thing)
Turn internet off if you need to
Use the Force
Get visual
If you don't start somewhere, you won't get anywhere
Break it down
Do the hard stuff first
SWIM just keep your head above


Study block – Time Management
Say no to social stuff completely
Divide study block by exams evenly
Put together any notes the lecturer has shared
Practice drawing anything you might need to draw in the exam (eg graphs)
Form an opinion
Make a learning plan
Review previous study plans and reuse what worked / is relevant
Review previous exams for main topics
Keep a list of exam tips
Grab your question list
Practice questions
Typing is faster than handwr­iting
Keep a list of questions
Why is this relevant? Why, Why, Why?
Descri­ption, explan­ation, example
Explain like reader is 5
Online quizzes
Case study
List the key points
List potential relevant topics to learn
Make 'Cheat Sheets' on these topics
Short Response
List the key topics from past exam questions
List any other potential areas to learn which could be relevant
Short paragraphs
Practice writing sound arguments
Revision questions
How do topics interelate - this often comes up


Could you add this as well? :3 Thanks!

NatalieMoore NatalieMoore, 22:56 29 Jan 15

Sure, I have added it. Great info in that thread by the way, so thanks heaps.

Who are you?? (Rhetorical question.) This is incredible. I am really curious about how many years/mistakes went into this.

I teach high-school math. I'm using this somehow.

There are a few acronyms in here that I think you invented. Can you explain them? Thanks!

NatalieMoore NatalieMoore, 06:53 31 May 15

Well, 2.5 years of uni (so far), mixed with life experience from work, HS and an earlier attempt at a degree. But honestly I have to keep on top of things because I am an adult with a mortgage, so working full time but I also study a full time workload :)

WWSMAND? = What Would Slightly More Awesome Natalie Do?

This is useful in just about every decision or assignment really. Its a play on those WWJD bands you see people wearing, except I use myself as the benchmark, and I am not trying to be perfect, I am just trying to be 'slightly more awesome' than I am in that moment, which is way less pressure lol

SWIM actually just refers to this song: which I listen to sometimes when I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Thanks for the kind words, I am glad you are getting some use out of my cheat sheet :)

This is great and I totally agree with you that 'trying to be slightly more awesome'.

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