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Neuroscience Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

One Minute Pitch

RNAscope® ISH delivers single­-mo­lecule sensit­ivity and specif­icity. The multip­lexing capability enables detection of multiple markers at once, enabling exquisite charac­ter­ization of cell popula­tions, co-loc­ali­zation/ co-exp­ression studies and also sub-ce­llular locali­zation of mRNA within the nervous system. Combine with Immuno­his­toc­hem­istry/ IF. Same-day results and automated assays mean you can get the data you seek quickly, easily, and all backed by our perfor­mance guarantee.

Key Selling Point

Multiplex capability and dual ISH/IHC


No Antibody? Detect GPCRs, Ion Channels, lncRNA
Validate RNA-Seq Signatures in single cells
Visualize cellular activity in cell type specific manner
Plasticity markers, Secreted factors, Co-loc­ali­zation
Charac­terize specific genetic variations
Altern­ative splicing, circRNA

Qualifying Questions

Do you want to explore molecular mechanisms of CNS/PNS develo­pment and neurol­ogical disorders like Alzheimer, Parkinson, Addict­ions, Pain, Depres­sio­n...?
Do you need to visualize biomarkers co-loc­ali­zation & expression in specific cellular sub-types?
Are you looking for single cell resolution or need to distin­guish expression of biomarkers between various nervous system cell types?
Would you like to visualize sub cellular RNA/pr­otein locali­zation, axon/d­end­rites RNA transport?
Are you invest­igating expression of splice variants (~90% of genes in the CNS have splice variants involved in specific diseases)?
Do you need an assay for a non-commun target like for circRNA?

Pain Points and Our Solutions

Pain Point: Lack of antibo­dy/­spe­cif­ici­ty/­sec­reted proteins/ lncRNA
Our Solution: Detection of any gene/ species/ tissue with highest specif­icity, new probe in 2 weeks, multiplex – up to 4 RNAs + 2 IHC targets. Co-exp­ression studies with cell type markers, sub-ce­llular locali­zation possible, detection of GPCRs/ Ion Channels
Conven­tional ISH
Paint Point: Considered as compli­cated, long assay, dual ISH/IHC possible but really tricky

Our Solution: One day assay (not V2), easy-t­o-use, stable assay, great tech support (new user program), probe in depended optimi­zation
Pain Point: Give up tissue context, quantity of RNA required for qPCR is higher

Our Solution: Morpho­logical context with single­-cell specif­icity

Recomm­ended Products

RNAscope® Fluore­scent Multiplex (320850) for fresh & fixed frozen
C1/C3: stronger channel (low expres­sor), C2: slightly weaker channel
RNAscope® Multiplex Fluore­scent v2 (323110) up to 4 targets, but ideal for FFPE, 4-plex: They need 4-Plex Ancillary Kit (323120)
RNAscope® 2.5 HD Duplex Reagent Kit (322430)
BaseScope for splice variants, circRNA

Our Limita­tions

Multip­lexing= With V2 6 Opal fluoro­phores available
(Theoretically 4x RNA, 2x protein as we only have 4 channels)
ISH/IF= We can not guarantee results as depending on the antibody.

Most Published Targets:

Gad1, Drd2, Drd1, VGluT2, Gad2, Th, Sst, EGFP, Shh, Vgat

Long non-coding RNA in Neuros­cience - examples

Alzhei­mer’s disease (BACE1-AS, SORL1, lncRNA 51A…)
Schizophrenia (Gomafu, DISC2…)
Autism spectrum disorder (MSNP1AS)
Parkinson’s disease (AL049437, AK021630...)
Huntington’s disease (Neat1)

Key Tools/ Refere­nces:

App Note, App Review, Probe List, Public­ation List - http:/­/bi­t.l­y/2­oN1lum
GPCR Video - https:­//w­ww.y­ou­tub­e.c­om/­wat­ch?­v=S­FjU­VZGdToc
Several PubCrushs/ scientific posters - please check Showpad