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CompSci 201 Midterm 1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Interface List<E>

add(E e)
appends the specified element to the end of this list
add(int index, E element)
inserts element at specified position
addAll­(Co­lle­ction E)
adds all elements to end of list
removes all elements from the list
contai­ns(­Object o)
returns true if it contains object
contai­nsA­ll(­Col­lection c)
returns true if all elements of collection are contained
equals­(Object o)
compares specified object within list for equality
get(int indedx)
returns element at specified position
returns hashCode value
indexO­f(O­bject o)
returns first index of specified object
remove(int index)
removes element at specified position
set(int index, E element)
replaces element at specified index
returns an array containing all the elements
-ordered collection
-user has control over where in the list each element is inserted


if two objects are equal according to .equals() must have same hashcode

Interface Set<E>

add(E e)
Adds the specified element if not already present
addAll­(Co­lle­ction c)
Adds all the elements if not already present
Removes the elements from this set
contai­ns(­Object O)
Returns true if specified element is contained
equals­(Object O)
Compares specified Object
returns the hash code value for the set
remove­(Object O)
removes the specified object if present
returns number of elements
Returns an array containing the elements of the set
E - the type of elements maintained by the set
-contains no duplicate elements

Class HashSe­t<E>

add(E e)
adds the element if not already present
shallow copy, elements themselves not cloned
remove­(Object o)
removes object if present
returns number of elements
-no duplicates
-no guarantee as to the iteration order of the set

Class String

charAt(int index)
returns the character at index
compar­eTo­(String anothe­rSt­ring)
compares two strings alphab­eti­cally (caps matter)
contai­ns(Char c)
returns true only if the character is contained
equals­(Object anothe­rOb­ject)
compares to another object
returns hashCode for the string
returns the length of the string - counts each character including spaces
split(­String regex)
splits the string at all point of the regex
converts to a character array
converts all characters to lower/­upper case
-basically a character array. Below are equivalent
String str = "­abc­";
char data[] = {'a', 'b', 'c'};

Class Array

returns a fixed size list
returns true if the objects compared are equal to one another
returns a hashcode based on the elements of the array
returns a sting repres­ent­ation of the array

Class ArrayL­ist­<E> and Class Linked­Lis­t<E>

-resiz­eable array implem­ent­ation of the List interface
-has just about all the methods defined in the List interface

-imple­ments nearly all List methods
-traverse list from beginning or end

Circles Country

public class CirclesCountry {
	 * Returns true if a point is inside a circle and 
	 * returns false otherwise.
	 * @param x is x-coordinate of point
	 * @param y is y-coordinate of point
	 * @param cx is center of circle x-coordinate
	 * @param cy is center of circle y-coordinate
	 * @param r is radius of circle
	 * @return true if (x,y) is inside circle, returns
	 * false if (x,y) is on or outside circle
	public boolean isInside(int px, int py, int cx, int cy, int r){
		double dist;		//distance from the center of the circle
		dist = Math.pow((px - cx), 2) + Math.pow((py - cy), 2);
		return dist < r*r;
	public int leastBorders(int[] x, int[] y, int[] r, 
			int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
		int crosses = 0;

		for(int k = 0; k < x.length; k += 1){
			if (isInside(x[k], y[k], x1, y1, r[k]) && ! isInside(x[k],y[k], x2, y2, r[k])) {
				crosses += 1;
			if (isInside(x[k], y[k], x2, y2, r[k]) && ! isInside(x[k],y[k], x1, y1, r[k])) {
				crosses += 1;
		return crosses;


public class Body {

	*/declares all the instance variables as private doubles and String

	public Body(double xp, double yp, double xv, double yv, double mass, String filename) {
		myXPos = xp;
		myYPos = yp;
		myXVel = xv;
		myYVel = yv;
		myMass = mass;
		myFileName = filename;

	 * Creates a body by copying parameters from another body
	 * @param b
	public Body(Body b) {		//FIXME
		myXPos = b.getX();
		declares the rest of the instance variables with .get methods


          all the get methods just return the corresponding instance variable

	public double calcDistance(Body b) {
		return Math.sqrt((Math.pow(myXPos - b.getX(), 2.0)+ Math.pow(myYPos - b.getY(), 2.0)));

	  Calculates the force exerted on this body by the body specified in the parameter

	public double calcForceExertedBy(Body p) {
		double force;
		double G = 6.67e-11;
		force = (GmyMass  p.getMass()) / Math.pow(p.calcDistance(this), 2.0);
		return force;

	 * Calculates the X component of the force
	public double calcForceExertedByX(Body p) {
		double dx;
		double Fx;
		dx = myXPos - p.getX();
		Fx = p.calcForceExertedBy(this) * (dx/(p.calcDistance(this)));
		return -Fx;

	 * calculates the Y component of the net force

	public double calcForceExertedByY(Body p) {
		/* same as the X just different variables

	 * calculates the net force in the x direction exerted on a body
	public double calcNetForceExertedByX(Body [] bodies) {
		double sum = 0;
		for (Body b : bodies) {
			if (!b.equals(this)) {
				sum += b.calcForceExertedByX(this);}}
		return -sum;}

	 * calculates the net force in the y direction exerted on a body
	public double calcNetForceExertedByY(Body [] bodies) {
		double sum = 0;
		for(Body b : bodies) {
			if (!b.equals(this)) {
				sum += b.calcForceExertedByY(this);
		return -sum;}

	 * updates the velocity, position, and time variables
	public void update(double deltaT, double xforce, double yforce) {
		double ax;
		double ay;

		ax = xforce / this.getMass();
		ay = yforce / this.getMass();

		myXVel = myXVel + deltaT*ax;
		myYVel = myYVel + deltaT*ay;

		myXPos = myXPos + deltaT*myXVel;
		myYPos = myYPos + deltaT*myYVel;

	 * shows a non-moving image for each body in the simulation
	public void draw() {
		StdDraw.picture(myXPos, myYPos,  "images/"+myFileName);


public class Anonymous {
	public int howMany(String[] headlines, String[] messages) {
		// counts[ch] is # occurrences of ch in headlines
        int counts[] = new int[256];
        for(String s : headlines) {
        	for(char ch : s.toLowerCase().toCharArray()) {
        		if (ch == ' ') continue;
        		counts[ch] = counts[ch] + 1;
        int total = 0;
        for(String s : messages) {
        	int[] mess = oneCount(s);
        	if (enoughLetters(mess,counts)) {
        		total += 1;
        return total;

	private boolean enoughLetters(int[] mess, int[] allLetters) {
		boolean canCreate = true;
    	for(char ch='a'; ch <= 'z'; ch += 1) {
    		// do we have enough letters to create message?
    		if (mess[ch] > allLetters[ch]) {
    			return false;
    	return true;


public class NBody {
	 * Read the specified file and return the radius
	 * @param fname is name of file that can be open
	 * @return the radius stored in the file
	 * @throws FileNotFoundException if fname cannot be open
	public static double readRadius(String fname) throws FileNotFoundException  {
		Scanner s = new Scanner(new File(fname));
		double radius;
		radius = s.nextInt();
		radius = s.nextDouble();
		return radius;	
	 * Read all data in file, return array of Celestial Bodies
	 * read by creating an array of Body objects from data read.
	 * @param fname is name of file that can be open
	 * @return array of Body objects read
	 * @throws FileNotFoundException if fname cannot be open
	public static Body[] readBodies(String fname) throws FileNotFoundException {
			Scanner s = new Scanner(new File(fname));
			// TODO: read # bodies, create array, ignore radius
			int nb = 0; // # bodies to be read
			nb = s.nextInt();
			Body [] bodiesArray = new Body [nb];
			for(int k=0; k < nb; k++) {
				double xPos;
				double yPos;
				double xVel;
				double yVel;
				double mass;
				String fileName;
				xPos = s.nextDouble();
				yPos = s.nextDouble();
				xVel = s.nextDouble();
				yVel = s.nextDouble();
				mass = s.nextDouble();
				fileName =;
				bodiesArray[k] = new Body(xPos, yPos, xVel, yVel, mass, fileName);


			return bodiesArray;
	public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException{
		double totalTime = 157788000.0;
		double dt = 25000.0;
		String fname= "./data/planets.txt";
		if (args.length > 2) {
			totalTime = Double.parseDouble(args[0]);
			dt = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
			fname = args[2];
		Body[] bodies = readBodies(fname);
		double radius = readRadius(fname);
		StdDraw.setScale(-radius, radius);
		for(double t = 0.0; t < totalTime; t += dt) {
			// TODO: create double arrays xforces and yforces
			// to hold forces on each body
			double xForces[] = new double [bodies.length];
			double yForces[] = new double [bodies.length];
			// TODO: loop over all bodies, calculate
			// net forces and store in xforces and yforces
			for (int k = 0; k < bodies.length; k++) {
				xForces[k] = bodies[k].calcNetForceExertedByX(bodies);
				yForces[k] = bodies[k].calcNetForceExertedByY(bodies);
			// TODO: loop over all bodies and call update
			// with dt and corresponding xforces, yforces values
			for(int k = 0; k < bodies.length; k++) {
				bodies[k].update(dt, xForces[k], yForces[k]);
			// TODO: loop over all bodies and call draw on each one
			for (int k = 0; k < bodies.length; k++) {
		// prints final values after simulation
		System.out.printf("%d\n", bodies.length);
		System.out.printf("%.2e\n", radius);
		for (int i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) {
		    System.out.printf("%11.4e %11.4e %11.4e %11.4e %11.4e %12s\n",
		   		              bodies[i].getX(), bodies[i].getY(), 
		                      bodies[i].getXVel(), bodies[i].getYVel(), 
		                      bodies[i].getMass(), bodies[i].getName());	


public class MemberCheck {
	public String[] whosDishonest(String[] club1, 
			String[] club2, 
			String[] club3) {

		Set<String> result = new HashSet<>();		//making these a set ensures that there's no duplicates
		Set<String> s1 = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(club1));
		Set<String> s2 = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(club2));
		Set<String> s3 = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(club3));
		result.addAll(crossover(s1, s2));
		result.addAll(crossover(s1, s3));
		result.addAll(crossover(s2, s3));

		String[] finalList = result.toArray(new String[0]);
		return finalList;

	private Set crossover(Set club1, Set club2) {
		Set<String> cloned = new HashSet<>();
		return cloned;


add(El­ement e)
inserts the specified element into the queue
calls and removes the head of the queue


Head of the queue is the least element
add(El­ement e)
inserts specified element into priority queue
contai­ns(­Element e)
returns true if Priori­tyQueue contains specified element
remove­(Object o)
removes single instance of the object
returns number of elements in the Priori­tyQueue
retrieves but doesn't remove the head
retrieves and removes the head


sorts lowest to highest
reverses the order

Arrays­rt(­int[] OR String[])
sorts it from smallest to largest or alphab­eti­cally first to last

Random Commands

Intege­r.p­ars­eIn­t(S­tring s)
converts string to int
.split­(" ")
.subst­rin­g(start index, end index)
Includes start index, not end index


closes the scanner
returns true if has another token
if it has another double, there are other - same for float, int, line, long
returns the next token
returns the next double token - works for float, int, line, long
resets the scanner