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Fight Alinsky Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


1) Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have. Boycotts have fallen out of favor on the Right because the Left has used that tactic to target conser­vative radio. This is a mistake. That's because there are a lot more conser­vatives than there are liberals and we're much more capable of using the tactic effect­ively. There are roughly 120 million people who identify with conser­vatism in this country and almost twice as many Christ­ians. When there are threats that Christians and conser­vatives will refuse to go see movies, stop buying products, or cancel subscr­ipt­ions, it will scare some people straight. That threat should be used and carried out much more often.


2) Never go outside the experience of your people. Want to know why Republ­icans are so terrible at reaching out to minori­ties? Because identity politics works really, really well and conser­vatives tend to oppose it on principle. So, white Republ­icans are constantly trying to go outside of their experience and reach out to minorities who are generally disinc­lined to listen to them because they have the wrong skin color. When the GOP accepts reality, adopts the tactics of the Democratic Party, and starts paying off our own Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons to reach out to minority groups and call Democrats racists, we'll start making inroads with minorities for the first time in decades.

Rule #3

Don't be afraid - we ARE the majority. Stand up for Christian Values
3) Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy. The GOP often foolishly retreats from social issues. This is a huge mistake in an era when 76% of the country is Christian and most liberals find sincere Christian beliefs to be repellent. We don't have to preach at anyone, wag our fingers, or turn into legions of Ned Flanders, but we shouldn't be afraid to talk about our Christian beliefs, stick up for Christians who are under attack, and hammer the Left for its anti-C­hri­stian bigotry. Conser­vatism is a pro-Ch­ristian ideology and liberalism is an anti-C­hri­stian ideology. We should never be afraid to drive that point home.


Make them live up to their own standards
And remember LIBERALS don't have many.
4) Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. This is something conser­vatives have gotten much better at in the last few years, but we seldom take it far enough. If we did, a tax cheat who advocates higher taxes could certainly never be our Treasury Secretary, Barack Obama would be afraid to associate with race hustlers like Al Sharpton or one percenters like Warren Buffet, and Al Gore would have either given up his mansion or his status as the leader of the cult of global warming.

#4a - on Ridicule

USE LOGIC and reason­ing!! (not emotion)
4A) Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. Conser­vatives have a tendency to try to win every debate with logic and recita­tions of facts which, all too often, fail to get the job done because emotions and mockery are often just as effective as reason. The good news is that liberals almost never have logic on their side; so they're incapable of rationally making the case for their policies while conser­vatives can become consid­erably more effective debaters by simply adding some emotio­n-based arguments and sheer scorn to their discourse. This has certainly worked on Twitter, where conser­vatives keep making the Obama campaign look like buffoons by taking over its hashtags.

Rule 6

Have FUN
6) A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. Sometimes Republ­icans get too serious about politics. Why not hold a fund raiser at the gun range? What's wrong with having Kid Rock or a bunch of popular country musicians play at a massive voter regist­ration drive? How about building some giant puppet heads of our own, featuring Nancy Pelosi injecting botox into her face or Barack Obama punching the Pope in the stomach? A little contro­versy and fun draw in the eyeballs and gets people excited.

Rule#7 - Keep moving

7) A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. This one seems self-e­xpl­ana­tory, but in practice, it can be tough to keep things on a timeline. This is what happened to the Occupy Movement, the wars in Iraq and Afghan­istan, and the Republican race for the presid­ency, too. If it goes on too long, people sour on it whether it’s a war, an election, or a tactic.


8) Keep the pressure on. Conser­vatives fall down on this one all the time. Just when Obama's SuperPac was starting to feel real pressure over taking a million dollar donation from Bill Maher, conser­vatives eased up. This is also why liberal film stars feel so comfor­table trashing conser­vat­ives, Christ­ians, and Americans -- even right before their film comes out. It's because we get offended, shrug our shoulders, and then almost immedi­ately let it go. Sometimes, an apology doesn't fix everyt­hing. How often do liberals accept an apology at face value and let an issue go?

Rule #9 - Don't be afraid

9) The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. How about we treat the Left to some of its own medicine? Libs throw a pie at a conser­vative author on campus; then we promise to shower every liberal speaker on the same campus with garbage. They post a conser­vative address online; we post two liberal addresses online. They hold a protest at someone's house; then we hold a protest at someone's house. They hit one of our politi­cians with glitter; we hit one of their politi­cians with coal dust. Liberals have a mentality that says, "­Eve­rything we do is harmless, but everything conser­vatives do is potent­ially danger­ous." Yet, we're usually too well behaved to copy their tactics. Mimic those tactics once or twice and the Libs will freak out so hard that they'll start declaring it to be off limits for everyone, including their own activists.

Rule #10 - Theme tactics

10) The major premise for tactics is the develo­pment of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposi­tion. When you launch an attack, tie it in as part of a theme and never stop hammering the theme as long as it's true and it works. John Kerry is a flip-f­lopper, Bill Clinton is a liar, Barack Obama is bankru­pting the country and wrecking the economy -- tie your attacks into themes that can be picked up on social media, talk radio, cable TV, and in the blogos­phere over the long haul. Why does McDonald's keep running ads? Because it may be that 50th ad or 100th ad you see that gets you to go buy a Big Mac, just as it may be the 50th or 100th time someone hears that Obama is bankru­pting the country and wrecking the economy before it sticks.

Rule #11 - Offense

11) If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counte­rside. The winner in politics is almost always whoever is on offense. Liberals understand this in an intuitive way that most conser­vatives don't. We think because we have this wonderful, honest, logical response to a charge that we're scoring major points -- but, except in rare cases, it's not true. If you're spending all of your time refuting the charges that you're extreme, racist, hate women, and despise the poor -- you're losing. That's because some people will assume where there's smoke, there's fire, and disbelieve you no matter how good your explan­ation may be. Additi­onally, if you're busy defending yourself, you can't go after the other side. Defend when you absolutely have to, but make sure most of your time is spent attacking relent­lessly attacking.

Rule #12 - Constr­uctive Alertn­atives

12) The price of a successful attack is a constr­uctive altern­ative. Honestly, this is more of a liberal problem than a conser­vative one, since liberals always seem to be clamoring to rip out some functional necessity of American society so they can replace it with an ill-de­fined hodgepodge of ideas that they think will shift power their way or be less "­mea­n." Our ideas work; so coming up with a constr­uctive altern­ative is seldom a problem.

Rule #13

13) Pick the target, freeze it, person­alize it, and polarize it. Conser­vatives tend to do well with this one until they get to the last part. Polari­zation is at the core of the Left's strategy. According to liberals, if you're conser­vative, you hate blacks, Hispanics, gays, Jews, Muslims, women, the poor, the middle class, the enviro­nment, and probably a half dozen other groups I've forgotten. Even when something is in front of our face, conser­vatives shy away from polari­zation. What's wrong with pointing out how hostile the Democratic Party has become to Christ­ianity? Why not point out the truth: that most white liberals are racists who think black Americas are too stupid and incomp­etent to compete with white Americans, which is why they push Affirm­ative Action and racial set asides? Why not note that liberals want poor Americans to stay poor and dependent, because as long as they do, they'll keep voting for the Democrat Party? There's a reason Barack Obama bows to foreign leaders, is constantly apolog­izing for America, attended an anti-w­hite, anti-A­merican church for 20 years, and it's why his wife was proud of the country for the FIRST TIME because she thought it was going to elect her husband. The sad truth is that these are people who hate and despise this country. Why do you think "hope and change­" appealed so much to Obama that he made it his theme? When you look at America as an evil, racist, unfair, horrible place to live inhabited by ignorant trash and "­bitter clinge­rs,­" what else would you do other than hope for change? If you love this country and the values it repres­ents, the people in the White House not only don't share your values, they hold people like you in utter contempt.