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Psych Final Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Exam 1

Which of the following brain scan techniques would be MOST useful in a psycho­logical research laboratory studying brain activity during rapidly changing enviro­nmental condit­ions?
MEG scan

Exam 1

Some aspects of human behavior are similar across the globe regardless of culture. Because those charac­ter­istics are so widesp­read, current theories stress the role of ___ processes in their explan­ation.

Exam 1

Which of the following processes is NOT involved in the concrete operat­ional stage?
All of the above are involved in the concrete operat­ional stage

Exam 1

In the hemisp­her­ectomy YouTube video, what was the medical diagnosis of the patient who had her corpus callosum severed?

Exam 1

In which lobe did the man who thought he was god have his epileptic seizures as shown in the YouTube video about seizures and god?

Exam 2

The most likely reason it would be difficult to retrieve the memory of an extremely common object results from:
Failure to encode

Exam 2

According to the YouTube video on Sensation & Percep­tion, which of the following physical science discov­eries initially started as a concept in the social sciences?
General Relativity

Exam 2

Which of the following events does NOT reflect a variable ratio schedule?
Waiting for your radio program to being from some random time

Exam 2

In which of the following categories should marijuana be placed?

Exam 2

What is the name for when you perceive the shape of your friend as constant despite the fact that you are literally viewing a changing shape as he moves about the room?
Shape constancy

Exam 2

The sound of a dentist’s drill may make you feel uncomf­ortable because of the ___ between the sound and ___.
Associ­ation; pain

Exam 2

Memories of stimulus events are stored as:
None of the above

Exam 2

Which of the following is TRUE?
All of the above

Exam 2

According to the YouTube video on Dreaming and a corres­ponding discussion in lecture, which two concepts were developed in part through dreaming?
Periodic table & General Relativity

Exam 2

Which of the following theories is used to explain why we dream? The:
Activa­tio­n-S­ynt­hesis Theory

Exam 2

Dreaming occurs in ___ cycles.

Exam 2

Little Timmy cries for candy in the superm­arket while his father tells him “no.” Eventu­ally, his dad cannot stand the crying any longer and buys Little Timmy his candy. Little Timmy was ___ and his dad was ___.
Positively reinfo­rced; negatively reinforced

Exam 2

Which of the following drugs fits into the stimulants category?

Exam 2

Near-death experi­ences can be elicited through:
All of the above

Exam 2

The silent YouTube video on Wolfgang Kohler’s research reviews which of the following phenomena?
Insight learning

Exam 2

Which of the following drugs fits into the depres­sants category?

Exam 1

According to the YouTube video on evolut­ionary psycho­logy, there is evidence that:
People LIKE the smell of sexual partners who have different genes than they do

Exam 1

In an early childhood cognition experi­ment, a child is habituated to a RED CIRCLE throughout days 1-14. On day 15, the child is exposed to a RED OCTAGON and does not respond to it. What do those results mean?
The child is still habituated to the circle and cannot differ­entiate circles from octagons

Exam 1

Which of the following is NOT a recognized manner in which chimeras are created?
All of the above are possible ways to form chimeras

Exam 1

Resear­chers use the scientific method­ology to increase their ability to:
Predict and control behavior

Exam 1

For any neuron to produce its own action potential, it must be affected by numerous other cells. What is the rule for getting a neuron to produce an action potential?
+10 mV within 1 ms

Exam 1

The genes within a soma do NOT produce one of the following.
All of the above are produced by genes

Exam 1

Which of the following psycho­logical disorders could be understood through the biopsy­cho­social model?
All of the above

Exam 1

Who is the father of psycho­logy?

Exam 1

Which of the following is NOT true?
Some forms of behavior are entirely based upon enviro­nmental factors

Exam 1

Action potentials move _____ throughout the nervous system.
In only one direction through a neuroa­nat­omical circuit

Exam 1

In the split-­brain YouTube video, what was the medical diagnosis of the man who had his corpus callosum severed?

Exam 2

Short-term memory is also called ___, has a duration of about ___ and can hold about ___ items
Attention; 30 seconds; 5-9

Exam 2

Which of the following is related to retrieval?
Congruent moods effect

Exam 2

Which of the following statements refutes naïve realism?
All of the above

Exam 1

Which of the following can override three-cell reflexes?
Signals sent from the brain

Exam 1

Which of the following brain scan techniques would be MOST useful in locating bullet fragments before surgery?
CT scan

Exam 1

What did the resear­chers conclude in the YouTube video on an infant’s innate sense of fairness?
A & B

Exam 1

Which of the following reflexes might be checked by a physician on you today?
Pupillary reflex

Exam 1

In the YouTube video on an infant’s innate sense of fairness, how did the resear­chers assess the children’s choice?
Eye gaze & Pointi­ng/­gra­bbing

Exam 1

Which of the following processes is NOT involved in the preope­rat­ional stage?
The child can succes­sfully distin­guish volume from length (conse­rva­tion) & The child can perform simple reversible mathem­atical functions such as addition and subtra­ction

Exam 1

The neural cells that run from your brain to your muscles are part of a(n):
Output signal system from the brain

Exam 2

According to the YouTube video on Sensation & Percep­tion, your frame of reference is:
One of the most important aspects of unders­tanding human behavior

Exam 2

Which of the following show the basic components of memory in their proper order?
Encoding, storage, retrieval

Exam 2

The electrical activity most similar in form to REM sleep is:
Stage 1 sleep

Exam 2

Consci­ousness is easily unders­tood.
No, that is false

Exam 2

How many basic forms of retrieval exist?

Exam 2

An altered psycho­logical state in which an individual is unusually receptive to sugges­tions is called:

Exam 2

According to the Room 222 YouTube video, which of the following was one of the biggest concerns of the school admini­str­ation?
The students were being bribed to work

Exam 2

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE regarding the storage of memories?
The amygdala controls happiness memories

Exam 2

The need for reading glasses beginning at about 40-years of age is typically a result of:
Reduced elasticity in the lens of the eye

Exam 2

If a set of cells in the visual cortex are designed to specif­ically detect something such as the angle of a line, then those cells are referred to as:
Feature detectors

Exam 2

Which condit­ioning principle was being expressed in the YouTube video entitled There Was No First Human?

Exam 2

Which of the following events reflects a variable interval schedule?
Waiting for the phone to ring

Exam 2

The most basic way in which to express an unders­tanding of the 19th century Gestalt concept is to state that:
Everything in life must be understood within its context

Exam 2

Which of the following is a Gestalt Grouping principle?

Exam 2

Which of the following events reflects a fixed ratio schedule?
Pressing the letter “k” on your typewriter and getting a single letter “k” as output

Exam 2

What is one of the primary reasons early psycho­logists moved away from the use of mazes to study learning in rats? Maze experi­ments:
cause aggressive behavior that interferes with learning

Exam 2

According to the YouTube video on Dreaming, what mistake did the primary character of the film almost make?
Jump 9,000 feet to his death at the North Pole

Exam 1

Who developed the school of behavi­orism?

Exam 1

Which of the following processes is NOT involved in the concrete operat­ional stage?
All of the above are present in the concrete operat­ional stage

Exam 1

Which lobe is the only OUTPUT lobe of the brain.
Frontal lobe

Exam 1

Which section of the brain primarily analyzes visual input?
Occipital lobe

Exam 1

In the split-­brain YouTube video, which brain area could detect the individual vegetables but not the entire face?
Left brain

Exam 1

In the YouTube video on phantom limb pain, which successful treatment was used to eliminate pain associated with the missing limb.
Mirror box

Exam 1

Which section of the nervous system contains cells that do not regenerate themselves very well?
Central nervous system

Exam 2

Learning is any ___ change in behavior.
Relatively permanent

Exam 2

Which of the following drugs blocks dopamine reuptake?

Exam 1

Which of the following is NOT a typical mathem­atical technique used by psycho­log­ists?

Exam 1

Which of the following shows the STRONGEST correl­ation?

Exam 1

Psychology is a science based on the measur­ement of:

Exam 1

Which of the following behaviors is UNAFFECTED by hormonal activity?
All behaviors are affected by hormones

Exam 1

The biopsy­cho­social model proposes that all human medical and psycho­logical health issues are a result of:
All of the above

Exam 1

Which of the following processes is NOT involved in the formal operat­ional stage?
All of the above are involved in the formal operat­ional stage

Exam 2

Which of the following shows the UNIQUE FUNCTION that occurs in short-term memory?

Exam 2

Which of the following is NOT one of the four elements of observ­ational learning?
Learned helple­ssness

Exam 2

What is the most basic reason you should reject the concept of a repressed memory, especially emotio­nally strong events such as rape? These repressed memories are:
emotio­nally strong but noncon­scious

Exam 2

Would a Pavlovian versus operant analysis of the Room 222 token economy lead to widely different predic­tions of behavior?
No, their predic­tions would be very similar

Exam 2

Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A person is unlikely to violate their own morals while under hypnosis

Exam 2

Which of the following is a BINOCULAR depth cue?

Exam 2

One of the first memory resear­chers was:
Hermann Ebbinghaus

Exam 2

The optic disc produces:
The blind spot

Exam 2

Light waves have two primary charac­ter­istics that:
Are detected with separate receptors

Exam 2

Which of the following statements is TRUE?
The idea that mental conflict exists in your subcon­scious has been abandoned by scientific psychology

Exam 2

The YouTube video on repressed memories reported that recovered memories were generally related to:
All of the above

Exam 2

The need to take increasing amounts of a drug to produce the same effect is called:

Exam 2

Which of the following is NOT part of typical automatic proces­sing?
Noncon­scious memory of locations

Exam 2

Which charac­ter­istic is MOST CLOSELY related to the recogn­ition of consci­ousness in humans?

Exam 2

When a 20-ounce soda falls out of a vending machine, it makes a particular clunk/thud sound. What is the role of the clunk/thud sound?
Secondary reinforcer

Exam 2

The shortest trace of a human voice stored in the receptors of the ear is called ___ and lasts about ___ in duration.
Echoic memory; 0.1 seconds

Exam 2

According to the Room 222 YouTube video, which of the following was the most common primary reinforcer applied?

Exam 2

The measur­ement of absolute and difference thresholds are both:
Calculated at 50%

Exam 1

With respect to the overwh­elming similarity in behavior between males and females, how many PAIRS of chromo­somes are unisex (seen in both males and females)?

Exam 1

Which of the following processes IS involved in the sensor­imotor stage?
The develo­pment of object permanence

Exam 1

Which section of the brain primarily analyzes somato­sensory input?
Parietal lobe

Exam 1

A typical synaptic message sends neuroc­hem­icals from a(n) ____ to a(n) ____.
Axon; dendrite

Exam 1

Which section of the brain primarily analyzes auditory input?
Temporal lobe

Exam 1

How old was the female patient in the hemisp­her­ectomy YouTube video?
7 years old

Exam 1

Which of the following answers show the LEAST TO MOST simila­rity?
Siblings raised apart, fraternal twins raised together, identical twins raised apart

Exam 1

Which of the following is true?
Correl­ation does not mean causation

Exam 1

Which famous physicist developed a theory of nerve conduction based on vibrat­ions?

Exam 1

The American eugenics program in the early 20th century was operated primarily from a ___ approach.
Positive eugenics

Exam 2

Which of the following is NOT involved in both classical and operant condit­ioning?
Reward conseq­uences

Exam 2

The serial position effect is created through
The combin­ation of retroa­ctive and proactive interf­erence

Exam 2

Which of the following parts of the Inform­ation Processing Model contain a line drawn to the term Inform­ation Lost?
All of the above