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Psychology Cheating note Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Personality Psychology

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Person­ality Intro

What do we mean when we say person­ality?
A combin­ation of long-l­asting and distin­ctive behavi­ours, thoughts, motive, and emotions that typify how we react and adapt to other people and situat­ions.
An indivi­dual's consistent patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaving
Theory of Person­ality
An organized attempt to describe and/or explain how person­alities develop and why person­alities differ
Early approach to explaining person­ality: Phrenology
Phrenology was proposed in the late 1700s by a German doctor (Franz Gall). The approach was based on the assumption that we can measure person­ality by assessing the pattern of bumps on a subject's skull. This method was widely used in the Victorian era.

Assessing Person­ality

relatively enduring charac­ter­istics that influence our behaviour across many situat­ions.
Psycho­logists have dedicated their careers to this cause.
Allport, Cattell, Eysenck
Identified 18 000 traitso 4 500 in 3 levels
Grouped related traits & analyzed their influence
2 factor models focus on introvert - extrovert
5 Factor Model (Image)
5 Fundam­ental person­ality traits
- Stable across time / - Culturally universal / Explain most behaviours
Over 18 000 traits have been identi­fied. These have been grouped according to simila­rities and ranked according to influence. One trait that is thought to be largely influe­ntial in person­ality is extrov­ersion - introv­ersion.
Person­ality Trait Theory Benefit:
Cross Cultural validity / Assist in research on psych disorders / Reduces focus from 18000 traits to 5
Person­ality Trait Theory Limita­tion:
Not all aspects of person­ality addressed (Moral behaviour) / Situation & Context influence on person­ality not addressed.
Person­ality Assessment Tools
Projective Tests / Objective Tests
Projective Tests
Provides ambiguous stimuli (Express the uncons­cious forces)
Thematic Apperc­eption Test (TAT) - Ambiguous photo: Writing the story for the photo / Expressing inner feelings & Interests.
Research has shown that person­ality is largely driven by uncons­cious forces (under­lying individual motiva­tions). We can't directly discovered what is in the uncons­cious, but we can use tools to indirectly access this part of the mind