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Stage 3 TCA Cycle/ Krebs Cycle Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

TCA Cycle/ Krebs Cycle

Located in the Mitoch­ondrion matrix
Krebs Cycle Happens Twice For Every Glucose Molecule
Produces Reduced CoEnzymes and ATP

Steps 1

Acetyl CoA combines with 4C molecule
Forms 6C Citrate
CoA goes back to Link Reaction

Step 2

6C Citrate converted to a 5C molecule
Decarb­oxl­yated 1C= CO2
Dehydr­oge­nation= hydrogen removed
Reduced NAD= NAD.2H

Step 3

5C molecule is converted into a 4C molecule
FAD coenyme goes to FAD.2H
NAD goes to NAD.2H
Some ATP is made


CoEnzymes work in cooper­ation with enzymes
Can be used many times over
Enzymes are biological Catalyst
Lower activation Energy

Important Points

Remaining Carbon Atoms released as CO2
Large quantities of Reduced Co Enzymes
ATP produced


Metabolic Pathway
Located in
Starts With
Ends with
TCA/Krebs cycle
Mitoch­ondrion Matrix
2 x Acetyk CoA
4 CO2

Also Produced in Krebs Cycle

6 NAD.2H (CoEnz­ymes)
2 FAD.2H (CoEnz­ymes)

Image Krebs Cycle