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Food, nutrition and Fitness Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


(+talk bit abt nutrients)
food at work in the body (food from digestion until its used for functions in body)
“Nutrition is science of food and its rxn to health. It is concerned primarily with parts played by the nutrients in body for growth, devel & mainte­nance.” (WHO)
study of nutrition - what nutrients we need, how much, why, & where to get them

functions of food

1. physio­logical
oxidation of consumed food helps
provide energy (for activi­ties, to convert food to usable nutrie­nts,to grow, keep warm)
build body (from child to adult size, main body str, replace worn out cells)
regulate bodily activities (heart beat, maintain body temp, muscle contra­ction, water balance, blood clotting, removal of waste)
build immunity - improve body's resistance to disease
2. social
write abt diff food in diff ceremonies (diwali, thanks­giving, birthdays, marriages etc)
food is distri­buted during various religious functions + ceremonies + various stages of life (birthday, marriages etc)
food is used as expression of love, symbol of happiness, friendship and social acceptance
helps create a relaxed atmosphere
3. psycho­logical
security, love and attention
familiar foods make us feel secure normal attachment to the mother’s cooking
sharing of food is a token of friendship and acceptance
in friendly gather­ings, we try unfamiliar foods and thus enlarge our food experi­ences - With time and repeated experi­ence, strange foods become familiar and new tastes are formed


chemical substances in food that provide energy + materials needed by body
components of food needed in adequate amts for energy - to grow, reproduce, have healthy life
includes water, groups of: proteins, fats, carboh­ydr­ates, minerals and vitamins
40 essential nutrients + body processes = produce 1000s of substances necessary for physical fitness
types: acc to their - chemical property, function, conc, essent­iality & nutritive value
diff foods r made of no. of chemical components
acc to chemical nature - split to 2 - micro & macro
1. micro
vitamins, minerals
2. macro
proteins, lipids (fats), carboh­ydr­ates, water
food we consume daily - rice, wheat, meat, fruits, vegeta­bles, milk etc
each nutrient has its own function - but the various nutrients must act in unison for effective action.
write abt - carboh­ydr­ates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, dietary fibre and water

Important terms

substance taken into body to meet its needs for energy - for health, growth, reprod­uction
Optimum nutrition
person recieves essential nutrients for body + extra ‘reserved’ nutrition (in proper propot­ions)
Nutrit­ional status
condition of body wrt to consum­ption and utiliz­ation of food
Good – well balanced diet
Poor – inadeq­uat­e/e­xce­ssive intake or poor utiliz­ation of nutrients
inadequate food intake in quantity (under nutrition) or quality
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
min energy required for body's maintence at rest (with no physical activity)