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Vaccination Cheat Sheet by

Different types of vaccinatoins


Live attenuated vaccine
Killed or inacti­vated vaccine
Subunit, recomb­inant, polysa­cch­aride, and conjugate
Microo­rganism rendered nonpat­hogenic but retains capacity for transient growth within inoculated host. MMR and varicella vaccines can be given to people living with HIV without evidence of immunity if CD4+ cell count ≥ 200 cells/mm3.
Pathogen is inacti­vated by heat or chemicals. Mainta­ining epitope structure on surface antigens is important for immune response. Mainly induces a humoral response
All use speciflc antigens that best stimulate the immune system.
Denatured bacterial toxin with an intact receptor binding site. Stimulates immune system to make antibodies without potential for causing disease.
A lipid nanopa­rticle delivers mRNA, causing cells to synthesize foreign protein (eg, spike protein of SARS-C­oV-2). Induces cellular and humoral immunity
Pros: induces cellular and humoral responses. Induces strong, often lifelong immunity. Cons: may revert to virulent form. Contra­ind­icated in pregnancy and patients with immuno­def­lci­ency.
Pros: safer than live vaccines. Cons: weaker cell-m­ediated immune response; booster shots usually needed.
Pros: targets speciflc epitopes of antigen; lower chance of adverse reactions. Cons: expensive; weaker immune response
Pros: protects against the bacterial toxins. Cons: antitoxin levels decrease with time, thus booster shots may be needed.
Pros: high efflcacy, safe in pregnancy. Cons: local and transient systemic (fatigue, headache, myalgia) reactions are common. Rare myocar­ditis, perica­rditis partic­ularly in young males.
Examples: Adenovirus (nonat­ten­uated, given to military recruits), typhoid (Ty21a, oral), polio (Sabin), varicella (chick­enpox), smallpox, BCG, yellow fever, influenza (intra­nasal), MMR, rotavirus.
Examples: Hepatitis A, Typhoid (Vi polysa­cch­aride, intram­usc­ular), Rabies, Infiuenza (intra­mus­cular), Polio (SalK).
Examples: HBV (antigen = HBsAg), HPV, acellular pertussis (aP), Neisseria mening­itidis (various strains), Strept­ococcus pneumoniae (PPSV23 polysa­cch­aride primarily T-cell­–in­dep­endent response; PCV13 conjugated polysa­cch­aride produces T-cell­–de­pendent response), Haemop­hilus infiuenzae type b, herpes zoster.
Examples: Clostr­idium tetani, Coryne­bac­terium diphth­eriae.
Examples: SARS-CoV-2


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