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burn rehab Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

classification intervention and eval

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


first degree
superf­icial, minimal pain, healing is 3-7 days
second degree - superf­icial partial thickness
– extend through the first half of the dermis. -pink, painful, moist skin under the blisters -heal in 7-21 days -no to minimal scarring or impairment
second degree - deep partial thickness
– extend into the second half of the dermis. -cause skin color to change, scarring -heal in 3-5 weeks -may acquire scar management
third degree - full thickness
The burn extends all the way through all layers of skin. -white, brown, black or cherry red in appearance -may or may not have blisters -require specia­lized treatment and possibly surgery
fourth degree - subdermal
Burns that extend into the fat tissue, muscle and bone. -Charred in appear­ance. -Often requires amputation of the affected limb. -Survival rate is low.


wallace rule of nines
Head and neck = 9% Each upper extremity = 9% Each lower extremity = 18% Front of trunk = 18% Back of trunk = 18% Perineum = 1%

phases of healing

inflam­matory phase
From onset of burn to 3-10 days after onset; edema develops
prolif­eration phase
From about the 3rd day after injury until burn is healed.; rigid scars
maturation phase
From about the 3rd week after onset to 2+ years after onset or recons­tru­ctive surgery.

types of scars

Thick, rigid scars that are red in color and appear 6 to 8 weeks after the wound closes. Hypert­rophic scars are confined to the burned area. Most second degree deep partia­l-t­hic­kness burns and third degree burns develop this type of scarring.
-Splinting -Pressure wraps or garments -Massage when tissue has healed, positi­oning with the scar in extension to stretch tissue
keloid - bubbly
Very thick, raised scars that extend beyond the burned area and are red or pink in color. These scars are caused by an overgrowth of scar tissue and usually start forming about 3 months after the burn onset.
pressure wraps, cryoth­erapy, surgery
Scar tissue that forms near or across a joint, causing the skin to tighten and pull. This scarring can limit the range of motion in the affected joint.
Positi­oning with the joint in extension -Splinting -Pressure wraps or garments -Passive and active range of motion. Treatment for hetero­topic ossifi­cation – active range of motion within pain tolerance, passive range of motion according to physic­ian’s instru­ctions. Home active range of motion program.

OT interv­ent­ion/tx general

occupa­tional history and roles
1. Develop long term goals to achieve the patient’s desired outcomes related to occupa­tional perfor­mance. 2. Modify goals based on any potential limita­tions or unreal­istic expect­ations, based on observ­ations and family­/ca­regiver input.
1. Edema control -elevation and positi­oning -coban wrap or compre­ssion garment when wound closed. 2. Wound care-s­terile whirlpool -wound debrid­ement if necessary to promote develo­pment of healthy tissue -dressing changes 3. Active and passive range of motion. Exercises as patient will tolerate. 4. Splinting to stretch and remodel scar tissue if necessary.
1. Complete stimul­ation activities to affected area when wound is healed. 2. Fluido­therapy at lower temper­atures if wound is on hand or lower arm. 3. Immersion in textures as patient will tolerate. 4. Brushing, vibration as patient will tolerate if wound is not on the hand or lower arm. 5. Massage to affected area when wound is healed. 6. Stereo­gnosis activities if wound is on the hand.
when wound is healed if necessary – superf­icial burns may not impair strength. 2. Graded exercises as patient will tolerate.
ADLs and IADLs
Begin ADL treatment as soon after onset of injury or surgery as possible. 2. Introduce IADLs as patient will tolerate. 3. Work and driving assess­ments if necessary.
postop­erative interv­ention
72 hours: dressing changes, splint at all times; five to seven days begin AROM, light ADLs