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Microbiology Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Microbiology Notes for BIO 241, based off of my professor's slides and lectures.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Topic 1

The Importance of Microb­iology
MicroBiome Vs Microbiota
- Microb­iomes - functional collection of multiple microbes in a particular enviro­mental system. (Micro­biota + "­theater of activi­ty"
- Microbiota - All types of microo­rga­nisms present in a microh­abitat

- Biomarkers - predicting diseases
- Designing targeted therapies
- Person­alized drug therapies and probiotics

Metage­nomics - Study of genetic material from enviro­men­tal­/cl­inical samples
Using metage­nomic sequencing or metase­que­ncing techniques

major microbial popula­tions in human body
- GI track (Gastr­oin­tes­tinal track) - Stomach, Small intestine, Large Intestine
phylotypes - group of organism by phenetic relati­onship

Human gut phylotypes :
- Gastric fluid : Firmic­utes, Bacter­oidetes and Actino­bac­teria
- Mucus Layer - Firmicutes and Proteo­bac­teria

Stomach - Helico­bacter pylori - in gastric mucosa
Large Intestine - Small Intestine goes to the ileum empties into the cecum.
- E. coli
microbial commun­ities in the gastro­int­estinal track
entero­types - stable clusters of commun­ities co-exi­sting
- 3 types - Bacter­oides, Prevot­ella, Rumino­coccus
Products of Metabo­lites
- Vitamin production
- Modifi­cation of steroids
- Amino acid biosyn­thesis

- Shotgun Metage­nomic Sequencing
- 16S rRNA

- Coloni­zation begins - Birth - Source of vitamins and education for immune system

- Inflam­matory Bowel Disease (IBD) - Dysbiosis - disruption of homeos­tasis

Antibi­otics - decrease microbes in the gut
C. difficile - spore-­former, antibi­oti­c-r­esi­stant opport­unistic pathogen

Prebiotics - carboh­ydr­ates, provide nutrition for fermen­tative gut bacteria
Synbiotics - combines both pro and pre-bi­otics

Human Virome
- RNA virus Genomes - Typically smaller than DNA viruses, Single­/double stranded
- Viroids - Naked infectious RNAs that cause plant diseases

The Baltimore Scheme
- 7 classes in relation to its mRNA
= 3 classes of DNA genome
= 4 classes of RNA genome
- Class 1 - double stranded (+/-) - RNA replicase makes (+) strand to be used as mRNA and template
- Class 2 - DNA (+) - produces replic­ative form
- Class 3 - RNA (+/-) - must carry RNA replicase
- Class 4 - RNA (-) - genome mRNA
- Class 5 - RNA (-) - RNA replicase makes (+) strand to be used as mRNA and template
- Class 6 - RNA (+)
- Class 7 - DNA (+/-) - Uses reverse transc­riptase Hepatitis B (HBV)

Genetic Transfer Processes - Transd­uction and Lysogeny
Lysogeny - Viral genes replicated not transc­ribed
- Prophage - Lysogenic form of Viral DNA

Transd­uction: the transfer of host genes from one cell to another by a virus, 2 modes - genera­lized and specia­lized
- Genera­lized - donor genes not part of viral genome and cannot replicate indepe­nde­ntly, Transd­ucing particle - Particles containing bacterial host DNA

Bacter­iop­hages - protective role in human health, first line of defense against pathogens
Phage - symbiotic relati­onship

Microb­iology of Water
- Potable Water - Used for drinking and cooking
= Filtration and Chlori­nation
- Recrea­tional Water - Public ponds, lakes, Swimming pool

- Indicator organism - signals potential for diseases

Microb­iology of Food

Topic 2

Microbial Structure and Function

Microbial Morphology
-Morph­ology - Cell Shape
- Coccus - Spherical or ovoid
- Rod/ba­cillus - Cylind­rical
- Spirillum - Curved or spiral
- Spiroc­hetes - Tightly coiled

cell membrane and cell wall
Bacterial Membrane
- Hopanoids - Strengthen the membrane (Stero­l-like molecules)

Archaeal Membrane
- ether linkages in phosph­olipids
- Has isoprenes

Bacteria and Eukarya Membrane
- Ester linkages in phosph­olipids

Bacterial Cell Wall
Gram-n­egative cell wall - two layers : lipopo­lys­acc­haride + peptid­oglycan
- glycan tetrap­eptide
Over view - Outer membrane, periplasm, cytopl­asmic membrane
Outer - composed of lipopo­lys­acc­haride, endotoxin- lipid A - Barrier against antibi­otics
Porins - transm­embrane protein channels for the entrance and exit of solutes

Periplasm - Located between cytopl­asmic and outer membrane

Gram-p­ositive cell wall - One layer of peptid­oglycan - interb­ridges of Gly
can be destroyed by lysozyme
- teichoic acids covalently bound to peptid­oglycan - lipote­ichoic acids - covalently bound

Archaeal Cell Wall
no peptid­oglycan
Pseudo­murein - polysa­cch­aride, similar to peptid­oglycan
cannot be destroyed by lysozyme or penicillin

cell surface structures and inclusions
- not part of the cell wall
- Slime Layer - Loosely attached easily deformed
- Capsule - Tightly attached matrix, visible with India ink

cell locomotion
eukaryotic microbial