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Neurolinguistic Programming Cheat Sheet by

Neurolinguistics is the discipline that examines how the brain processes language.


Difficulty in commun­ication due to brain damage in language areas.
Typically stroke or tumor.
Broca’s Aphasia
Damage to Broca’s area leads to hesitant speech and trouble with language produc­tion.
BA Symptoms
Difficulty in expressing and unders­tanding language.(Hesitant speech)
Wernicke’s Aphasia
Damage to Wernicke’s area results in diffic­ulties in unders­tanding language.
WA Symptoms
Confused speech, wordiness, and problems with language compre­hen­sion.(Non sensical speech)
Both conditions result in signif­icant impair­ments in commun­ication abilities.
Language Variab­ility
Aphasia symptoms vary across languages due to gramma­tical differ­ences.

Neur­oli­ngu­istic Progra­mming (NLP)

Neurol­ing­uistic Progra­mming (NLP) is an approach to commun­ica­tion, personal develo­pment, and psycho­therapy that focuses on the connection between neurol­ogical processes, language, and behavioral patterns learned through experi­ence. It suggests that these patterns can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.
Commun­ication Enhanc­ement
NLP techniques aim to improve commun­ication skills, including persua­sion, negoti­ation, and rappor­t-b­uil­ding.
Personal Develo­pment
NLP offers strategies for self-i­mpr­ove­ment, goal setting, and overcoming limiting beliefs.
Therap­eutic Interv­entions
NLP techniques are used in therapy to address phobias, trauma, and behavioral issues by altering thought patterns and responses.
Richard Bandler: Co-creator of NLP along with John Grinder. Known for developing techniques such as the Swish pattern and Anchoring.

John Grinder: Linguist and co-founder of NLP. Contri­buted to the develo­pment of NLP models, including the Meta Model and Milton Model.

Robert Dilts: Prominent figure in NLP who expanded its applic­ations into areas such as leader­ship, creati­vity, and systemic thinking.

Mirror System

Neuronal network activated when observing actions, facili­tating unders­tan­ding.
Studies show activation in motor cortex areas relevant to observed actions.
Sign Language
Highlights the role of gestures in structured commun­ica­tion.
Language Compre­hension
Mirror neurons play a role in language compre­hen­sion, especially in noisy settings.
Andreas, S., & Andreas, C. (1987). NLP: The New Technology of Achiev­ement.
Dilts, R., & DeLozier, J. (2000). Encycl­opedia of Systemic Neuro-­Lin­guistic Progra­mming and NLP New Coding.
Farmer­, T. A., ­Mat­lin­, M. W. (­2019). Cognition. United Kingdo­m: John Wiley & Sons, Incorp­orated.
O'Connor, J., & Seymour, J. (1993). Introd­ucing NLP: Psycho­logical Skills for Unders­tanding and Influe­ncing People.

Pillars of NLP

Sensory Acuity
Developing heightened awareness of sensory cues such as body language, tone of voice, and subtle shifts in behavior. Utilized to build rapport, understand others' perspe­ctives, and detect patterns in commun­ica­tion.
Establ­ishing a deep connection and trust with others through mirroring, matching, and pacing. Facili­tates effective commun­ica­tion, persua­sion, and building strong relati­ons­hips.
Outcome Orient­ation
Setting clear and achievable goals while mainta­ining flexib­ility to adapt strategies as needed. Guides indivi­duals towards desired outcomes and motivates action towards their object­ives.
Behavioral Flexib­ility
Ability to modify behaviors, thoughts, and responses to achieve desired outcomes. Essential for personal growth, overcoming obstacles, and adapting to diverse situat­ions.
Content vs. Process
Distin­gui­shing between the content (what is said) and the process (how it is said) of commun­ica­tion. Helps uncover underlying patterns, beliefs, and motiva­tions driving behavior.

Hemisp­heric Specia­liz­ation

Left Hemisphere
Dominant for language proces­sing, especially in speech perception and unders­tan­ding.
Right Hemisphere
Plays a role in emotional tone percep­tion, humor compre­hen­sion, and abstract language tasks.
Both hemisp­heres work together for interp­reting meanings and resolving ambigu­ities in language.
Neurol­ing­uistics research emphasizes the intricate nature of language skills.

Key Areas: Aphasia, hemisp­heric specia­liz­ation, neuroi­maging, and mirror system are vital in unders­tanding language proces­sing.

Ongoing Research: Despite progress, there's much to learn about brain regions and their coordi­nation in language unders­tan­ding.

Neuroi­maging Research

fMRI Technique
Detects brain activity, more suitable for language compre­hension tasks.
Semantic Processing
Both hemisp­heres involved in processing semantic inform­ation.
Individual Differ­ences
An indivi­dua­lized approach identifies specific brain regions respon­sible for language tasks.

NLP - venn diagram

NLP Concept Map



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