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Intro to Oculomotor Function and Visual Perception Cheat Sheet by

Intro to Oculomotor Function and Visual Perception

Visual impairment w/ diagnoses

Brain Injury Related Visual Dysfun­ctions/ Other

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
an injury that affects how the brain works.
Motor Vehicle Accident Athletes (football, boxing, skateb­oar­ding, etc.), Gunshot wounds, Domestic Violence, Falls
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
brain damage caused by events after birth, rather than as part of a genetic or congenital disorder
CVA or Stroke Aneurysm Anoxia – oxygen deprived Brain tumor/­brain tumor resection or removal located in occipital lobe, parietal lobe, cerebe­llum, or Optic Tract Cranial Nerves III, IV, and IV palsies
Optic Neuritis
Optic neurit­is can affect your v­isi­on and cause pain. When the ne­rve­ fibers become inflamed, the optic nerve can also start to swell. This swelling typically affects one eye, but can affect both at the same time. ­Optic neurit­is can affect both adults and children.
Multiple Sclerosis
A migr­ain­e that involv­es ­visual distur­ban­ce is called an ocular­ mi­graine. Ocular­ mi­graines can de­velop with or without the accomp­anying pain of a classi­c m­igr­aine. During an ocular­ mi­graine, or mig­rai­ne with aura, you may see flashing or shimmering lights, zigzagging lines, or stars
Kaleid­oscope vision
Vitamin Defici­encies
Disturbed or blurre­d v­isi­on can also occur as a result of a Vita­min­ B1­2 d­efi­ciency. This happens when the de­fic­ien­cy ­causes damage to the optic nerve that leads to your eyes. The nervous signal that travels from the eye to the brain is disturbed due to this damage, leading to impair­ed ­vision
Medica­tions used for de­pre­ssion, Parkin­son’s diseas­e, ­sei­zur­es,­ ul­cer­s, ­ast­hma­, a­rrh­ythmia, and he­mor­rho­ids can cause this type of gla­ucoma; Many c­ancer treatm­ents, includ­ing­ ch­emo­the­rapy, radiation, steroids and immuno­the­rapies, are known to cause ­eye­-re­lat­ed side effects such as dryness, tearing, cataracts, sensit­ivity to light, infection or altere­d v­ision. It's even possible for ey­e color to change.
Cancer Treatment

Hierarchy of Visual Perceptual Processing

Oculomotor System

Gaze systems that redirect the eyes to each new target
Voluntary or "­tar­get­ing­" movement:
Smooth pursui­ts/­tra­cking
Involu­ntary oculomotor movements:
Vestib­ula­r-o­cul­omotor reflex (VOR)

Oculomotor System

Gaze systems that redirect the eyes to each new target
Voluntary or "­tar­get­ing­" movement:
Smooth pursui­ts/­tra­cking
Involu­ntary oculomotor movements:
Vestib­ula­r-o­cul­omotor reflex (VOR)

Attention= Alert + Attending

Alertness & Arousal
Ability to maintain awake state
Reticular Activating System (RAS)
Frontal eye fields
Gaze stabil­ization center (sustained gaze or fixation on target or object)

The Brain’s Visual Processing Modes

Focal Mode (vetral stream)
What is it?, object recogn­ition, exclus­ively visual and impacted by changes in acuity, involvess attention
Ambient Mode (dorsal stream)
Where it is?, works in concert with vestib­ular, somato­sen­sory, and auditory, sense to subserve spatial orient­ation, posture, and gaze stabil­ity,; reflexive in nature

Vestib­ula­r-o­cul­omotor reflex (VOR)

Close relati­onship between oculomotor function and vestibular function to maintain gaze stability during whole-body movement and head movement
Normal VOR has a discon­jugate 1:1 ratio of tracking object to head movement – implying the head and eye movement are opposite but equal
VOR must be suppressed during combined eye-head movement for the image to be maintained on the fovea
VOR cancel­lation or suppre­ssion test is essent­ially a higher demand on smooth pursuit function

Vestib­ula­r-o­cul­omotor reflex (VOR)

Close relati­onship between oculomotor function and vestibular function to maintain gaze stability during whole-body movement and head movement
Normal VOR has a discon­jugate 1:1 ratio of tracking object to head movement – implying the head and eye movement are opposite but equal
VOR must be suppressed during combined eye-head movement for the image to be maintained on the fovea
VOR cancel­lation or suppre­ssion test is essent­ially a higher demand on smooth pursuit function


integr­ation of vestibular and oculomotor fucntion
integrates movement directed from frontal eye fields (gaze stabil­ization center), primary visual cortex, and visual associ­ation areas to navigate the enviro­nment and avoid obstacles

Some may have difficulty with

Reading – poor reading compre­hension
Sports or recrea­tional activities – increased risk of secondary injuries
Balance – inability to quickly locate items (decreased reaction time) and respond to enviro­nmental barriers
Depth perception (stere­opsis) – miss steps climbing stairs, unable to reach for items effici­ently due to over or unders­hooting target

Binocular Coordi­nation require effect­ive...

smooth pursui­ts/­tra­cking
ability to binocu­larly follow a moving target smoothly and coordi­nately
Dysfun­ction: poor binocular fusion (blurry vision), diplopia (double vision), visual fatigue
quick, simult­aneous movement of both eyes between two or more phases of fixation in the same direction
Dysfun­ction: Over or unders­hooting target, visual fatigue, delayed visual speed or processing due to ineffi­ciency with locali­zing/ targeting key inform­ation
ability to fixate on an object coming towards you
Dysfun­ction: Exotropia, conver­gence insuff­iciency, Diplopia with nearsi­ghted tasks
ability to fixate on an object going away you
Dysfun­ction: Esotropia, Divergence insuff­ici­ency, Diplopia with farsighted tasks
stereo­psi­s/s­patial locali­zation
Judgement of space and distance (stereopsis (depth percep­tion)
Can be affected by: changes in acuity,contrast sensit­ivity, poor integr­ation of focal and ambient visual processing systems, divergence and/or conver­gence insuff­ici­encies (binocular vision dysfun­ctions)
focal and ambient visual proces­sing- physio­logical diplopia
Brain's ability to receive, interpret, and act upon visual stimuli; focal mode: what is it?; Ambient mode: Where is it?

Actions of the eye (dont need to really memorize(

Lateral rectus
CN 6 (Abducens N)
Medial rectus
CN 3 (Oculo­motor N)
Superior rectus
Inferior rectus
Inferior Oblique
Elevation and ER
CN 3
Superior Oblique
Depression and IR
CN 4

Eye Movement Synergy

Binocular coordi­nation is a result of synerg­istic movement of the contra­lateral eye
Example: Look to the left without moving your head
Antago­nistic and synerg­istic movements occur in monocular coordi­nation

Eye Alignment

Natural position of the eye; fusion and depth perception is intact
Esophoria: tendency to aim in front; Exophoria: behind the point of focus
Symptoms: eye misali­gnment, poor oculomotor control, impaired visual proces­sing;
Changes in phoria symptoms are subtle: difficulty concen­tra­ting, frontalor temportal headaches, sleepiness after reading, stinging of eyes after reading
Strabismus or Tropia
Visble turn of one eyes: Esotropia- one eye turns in; Exotropia- one eye turns out; Hypert­ropia; One eye turns up relative to other eye
Diplopia: long-term effects result in central vision suppre­ssion (perip­heral vision remains intact)
**fusion (binocular vision) and depth perception (stere­opsis are not present
inability to judge distances, under/over reaching objects, double vision (diplo­pia), head tilt or turning, difficulty reading, appear spaced out, avoid near activi­ties, become confused or disori­ented

Visual Perception

Form Constancy (b vs d)
the visual skill that allows us to distin­guish one object from another similar object. Being able to tell the difference between the letter “b” and “d” or “3” and “8”. Though the forms are similar in shape, they are very different in meaning. The ability to see and distin­guish these differ­ences is form constancy.
Visual discri­min­ation
each of the above six skills require some degree of visual discri­min­ation. Visual Discri­min­ation is the ability to identify detail, seeing items likes and differ­ences in shape, color, position and orient­ation.
Visual closure
the visual skill that allows us to detect, differ­ent­iate, select, draw conclu­sions and understand inform­ation when we are only given certain pieces of inform­ation, rather than the entire account, story or explan­ation.
Figure Ground
the visual skill that allows us to distin­guish, segregate, isolate or find an object or stimuli in varying enviro­nments. This can include faces, figures, objects, landsc­apes, and letters or numbers. Properly processing our visual figure ground helps to organize the inform­ation we see in our enviro­nment.
Spatial Relations
the visual skill that allows us to process the visual enviro­nment around us and the location of objects in respect to oursel­ves. 
Visual Memory
the visual skill that allows us to record, store and retrieve inform­ation. It allows us to learn and later recall what is learned. 
Visual Sequential Memory
similar to visual memory in that it allows us to store and retrieve inform­ation when necessary or useful. However sequential memory helps us remember and recognize people, places we have been, and series of events, equations, and procedures

Visual Cognition

Unders­tanding the intera­ction of **visual construct and cognit­ion...
Object structure (i.e. weight, size, position, color, etc)
Executive function (memory and attention)
Attention and awareness

Visual Cognition

Unders­tanding the intera­ction of **visual construct and cognit­ion...
Object structure (i.e. weight, size, position, color, etc)
Executive function (memory and attention)
Attention and awareness


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